I’m with you Kevin. The pushback from Republicans is especially concerning. I think that conservative opposition is based on a number of concerns.
The most compelling argument, from a conservative perspective, is the financial one. Never-ending expenditures tend to wrankle conservatives like me. We want an accounting and an estimate of what more is required to achieve the desired outcome, whatever that may be. This is easier said than done, but it starts with a clearly stated end goal, which the administration doesn’t seem able to provide. My preferred mission statement would be: We seek to drive all Russian military units out of all occupied territory in Ukraine, including the Donbas and Crimea. Then you estimate what that will take in money and equipment.
Less convincing arguments to me include:
1. Not a dime more until x, y or z happens. Seal the southern border, kill the omnibus budget plan, get European nations to meet their military investment agreement, permanently ban night baseball, etc. If we believe that Ukrainian sovereignty and Russia behaving within modern norms (i.e., it’s totally not cool to invade a peaceful neighbor) then making support contingent on some other objective seems like we’re playing politics with the most consequential event of our age.
2. Ukrainian sovereignty isn’t in America’s national interest. Besides history being replete with examples to the contrary, arguing that it’s not our fight makes allies all over the world, not to mention adversaries like China, take notice.
3. Any more support will cross some red line and cause Putin to escalate. As
@Red Leg has pointed out, Putin is already all in. Unless he decides to attack NATO or pop a nuke, there‘s not much else he can do. Besides, it’s a really bad idea to allow an adversary to dictate our National policy at the point of a gun.
I think it’s responsible to demand an accounting and insist that the aid we provide ties out to a clearly stated objective. However, playing politics with this crucial foreign policy crisis is irresponsible.