Please say a prayer for my son

All I need as many prayers for my son he is currently undergoing emergency surgery for his intestines. The doc wanted to fly us to anchorage but didn' think he would make it. They couldn' guarantee a surgery within 4 hours. He is the only surgeon in the fairbanks area that has handled an Intussusception but ins a pediatric surgeon. My son turns 5 tomorrow and many of ya'll seen pictures of him on his first moose hunt so please pray even if you don' think it will work because I do.

All the best for your son.
Happy birthday little guy! God speed in recovery. May angels smile upon you and your parents!

Will pray for your son and your family

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Tell him the guys on AH are wishing him a happy birthday!
How is that young man doing in recovery? He’s in our hearts.
Hoping he has a speedy recovery, and he is my thoughts and prayers.
All I need as many prayers for my son he is currently undergoing emergency surgery for his intestines. The doc wanted to fly us to anchorage but didn' think he would make it. They couldn' guarantee a surgery within 4 hours. He is the only surgeon in the fairbanks area that has handled an Intussusception but ins a pediatric surgeon. My son turns 5 tomorrow and many of ya'll seen pictures of him on his first moose hunt so please pray even if you don' think it will work because I do.
I don't know your son's name and never saw the pictures but I know God , and I believe you do too bit most of all HE knows us and I ask for HIM to help your son NOW in JESUS.

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Glad he made it through surgery , prayers for a speedy recovery!
Keep the faith, in no time at all Coop will be out throwing snowballs at his sister.
My family is praying for yours brother.
Update on cooper.

He has had one small fever that he fought off pretty quickly so that is a great sign. We have been up and walking around the hospital trying to make his intestines start working again. It seems they are trying as he has passed gas twice. But his belly is still rock hard so the docs think there is still a ton of air built up and are concerned how come alot more hasn't came out. After he is done resting hopefully he will feel up to another walk and we can try to get more air out and try to keep his intestines alive.

I want to thank everyone for your prayers I truly believe they are helping and I am humbled by all of yoour thoughts. It' amazing that a bunch of strangers can care enough to take time out of their day to ask about someone they have never met. Thank yall again.
Thanks for the update! The little man is having to grow up tough. He will be in our thoughts and hearts until full recovery!
I am just praying all goes well and your little man get better soon. Glad he is doing so well and already able to walk around. I wish there was more I could do to help you out then just well wishes. Hang in there buddy and stay strong for your family
Never thought I'd say this, but....I'm praying for farts!

In all seriousness, hoping all turns out well for the little guy!
Prayers .......I know what you’re going through, my daughter has had many surgeries since birth. But the Lord smiled upon her and she’s doing well now.
One step at a time..... (y)
Continuing to pray!

Thanks for updating us. Cooper has popped into my mind several times today.

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