@4adam12 was so generous with us, my other son has offered up his new and unused cape buffalo leather culling belt slider too!
These will work, I've stretched similar ones out with Lexol to fit a 375HH so It should be no problem at all to get 7x65r and 300WM to work with them.
@Wishfulthinker580 and
@TucsonFX4 both get one. Please PM me your ship-to details and we'll get them in the mail on behalf of some very grateful young hunters!
As an aside: If any of you could do us a favor scouting for hard to find items, Son #1 has been looking for 375HH brass for six months, Son #2 has been looking for 30-06 brass for the same amount of time. If anyone on here sees a
reputable website selling such brass that has it in stock, please send me a PM.