Fuds gonna fud I guess.Fellow Rifle Grumps,
I do wish Winchester would stop wasting time and materials on making their stainless / synthetic Model 70 Rifles for what seems like an endless list of weird and meaningless new cartridges.
As far as I can tell, none of their latest new cartridges, actually do anything new.
Conversely, there is a real market for that very same weather resistant rifle, but in .375 H&H caliber.
A local gunsmith here in Anchorage does pretty well converting them from 7MM Magnum and .300 Winchester, to the very useful .375 H&H caliber.
But the finished product, however excellent that it definitely is, will never appeal to the budget minded type of customer.
If a person does not want to spend very much money and yet desires a stainless steel rifle with the ballistics of the .375 H&H then, Ruger fits that description.
Aside from the above scenario, the Ruger caliber does not answer any questions that I can think of.
Furthermore, I have noticed that at least here where I live (Alaska), ammunition for the budget priced Ruger is sporadically difficult to find.
Just like Red Leg and others here have already said, I do seriously doubt that, name your species on this earth, receiving a .37 caliber bullet, will notice any difference whatsoever between the original .375 H&H and the late-to-the-party Ruger version (well past 100 years late to the party).
Back when Ruger announced their new .375 cartridge, it’s does-what-the-H&H already-does factor, inspired only a yawn and a shrug from myself.
But now, with ammunition for it being often scarce around here means that, (if it’s even possible), the .375 Ruger caliber bores me more than it originally did.
Velo Dog.
Fuds gonna fud I guess.
Hello Daisy,
Forgive my ignorance but what does:
“Fuds gonna fud I guess” mean ?
Openly admitting that, I’m not the brightest light bulb on the Times Square Christmas Tree but nonetheless, I do not understand your reply.
Velo Dog.
Do you know what a "Fudd" is?
I think Fudd is a perjorative for older shooters.
Maybe it means Boomer (generation) Shooter.
View attachment 673856
View attachment 673858
This one must be Grandson of Fudd...
View attachment 673857
Hmmm. Well my father would be a boomer but I alway thought Elmer was funny but cool. He was about the only character that actually hunted after all.
Do you know what a "Fudd" is?
I hear you brother !Fellow Rifle Grumps,
I do wish Winchester would stop wasting time and materials on making their stainless / synthetic Model 70 Rifles for what seems like an endless list of weird and meaningless new cartridges.
As far as I can tell, none of their latest new cartridges, actually do anything new.
Conversely, there is a real market for that very same weather resistant rifle, but in .375 H&H caliber.
A local gunsmith here in Anchorage does pretty well converting them from 7MM Magnum and .300 Winchester, to the very useful .375 H&H caliber.
But the finished product, however excellent that it definitely is, will never appeal to the budget minded type of customer.
If a person does not want to spend very much money and yet desires a stainless steel rifle with the ballistics of the .375 H&H then, Ruger fits that description.
Aside from the above scenario, the Ruger caliber does not answer any questions that I can think of.
Furthermore, I have noticed that at least here where I live (Alaska), ammunition for the budget priced Ruger is sporadically difficult to find.
Just like Red Leg and others here have already said, I do seriously doubt that, name your species on this earth, receiving a .37 caliber bullet, will notice any difference whatsoever between the original .375 H&H and the late-to-the-party Ruger version (well past 100 years late to the party).
Back when Ruger announced their new .375 cartridge, it’s does-what-the-H&H already-does factor, inspired only a yawn and a shrug from myself.
But now, with ammunition for it being often scarce around here means that, (if it’s even possible), the .375 Ruger caliber bores me more than it originally did.
Velo Dog.
That’s improper use of man bun. 5 yard penalty.I hear you brother !
And I have a SS , black fiberglass, 375Ruger, and cuss the gun manufacturing industry and hornday every time I see it .
Back in 2021 as was grabbing some 270win ammo ( whole shelf full) there was a couple of people trying to find some 6.5 prc ammo ( none ) when I chuckled
I got called a Fudd ! Hornday marketing team probably invented the term Fudd for the cool kids to justify their man bun new creations
It just depends on the rifle you want for the most part. .375 Ruger is superior in every way to .375 H&H but H&H has the nostalgia. Practically I like the shorter .375 Ruger cartridge. To me it's just kinda like a fat .30-06!In the early stages of considering another trip to Africa and possibly Cape Buffalo and plains game. Not looking to spend $ thousands on a rifle I may or may never use. I reload several calibers and could load either .375. Mossberg, Ruger, Savage rifles available in the .375 Ruger. Thoughts?
Ruger brass is easy to find. Just ask the AH crowd for help!I had a .375 Ruger. I like the cartridge design more than belted mags. However, brass was not findable anywhere and I load my own. Wish I would have checked that before buying the rifle. So, gave it to a friend with a couple of boxes of ammo and bought a Win M70 in H&H. Brass is far easier to find. There also are far more factory ammo options for the H&H, if needed.