One and Only One Bullet manufacturer for Dangerous Game

If you could only use one brand of bullet for Dangerous Game what would it be?

  • Barnes

  • Hornady

  • North Fork

  • Peregrine

  • Swift

  • Woodleigh

  • Other

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What I cannot believe is that they don’t appear to offer a solid, flat or round nose, in .458!

I've tested, used and/or witnessed many types of "DG solids". For straight line, deep penetration the 450 gr .458 GS Custom FP solid @ about 2250 fps impact velocity is reliable and impressive.

458 450 gr GS.jpeg
I chose NF of course. I have said it before and will say it again, get out a Chronograph and do some testing with all of them, North's Fork's lowest standard deviation by a large margin means the best accuracy. This coupled with excellent performance on game makes Northfork a clear choice for me. North Fork happen's to have everything on the website on sale. Stock up!! It's Christmas!!
What I cannot believe is that they don’t appear to offer a solid, flat or round nose, in .458!

View attachment 212285

Yah, kind of old news but IIRC the Feds, for whatever reason, singled out and tested Barnes' FP solids a few years ago on various "armor" material and found the penetration to be "objectionable" or some such ... then threatened Barnes in a way that Barnes had to back down and stop production of them. That from the grape vine.
Woodleigh, full stop. The soft nose work excellently at advertised velocities and their Hydros are the ducks nuts for straight line penetration and one of the best solids for wound channel.
Woodleigh, full stop. The soft nose work excellently at advertised velocities and their Hydros are the ducks nuts for straight line penetration and one of the best solids for wound channel.
Barnes 350g TSX for DG. Barnes 235g for PG. One shot is all that's needed.
I have had very good results with Swift A Frames. In fact, my buddy dropped a charging cow ele at point blank range with a 300 gr A Frame out of his .375. (No he wasn’t hunting elephant with softs, he just ran into the wrong ele, or she ran into the wrong guy!).

I would rate the bearclaw right there w the A-Frame.
I've been meaning to post this poll for a while now, mainly as a result of the below thread.

Question is simple. If you could use any bullet for DG with no issue of availability and no difference in cost, what would you use? And to PHs I guess the question is the same. What bullet do you want your client using based on your experience.

I get that some may chose a different soft than solid, or a different soft for buffalo than for lion, but if you could only choose one bullet manufacturer who would it be?
I sure would have thought Norma African PH would have been in the survey- they have a hugh following in the world of Dangerous Game
I sure would have thought Norma African PH would have been in the survey- they have a hugh following in the world of Dangerous Game

Is there such a bullet as "Norma African PH"...or is that ammo?

This was only looking at bullets, not loaded ammo.
Woodliegh because I can easily get them in Canada and they work.
I sure would have thought Norma African PH would have been in the survey- they have a hugh following in the world of Dangerous Game

That's what "other" is for. Vote for that if Norma is your top bar none choice.
Well Royal, when are you going to provide us with the results of this survey?
why and how did the feds force barnes to quit making that particular bullet?
why and how did the feds force barnes to quit making that particular bullet?

Because they are feds... :rolleyes:

They deemed it armor piercing and therefore no civilian use. Total joke, as I expect from bafoons in the government making decisions on things of which they know nothing.
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Question for you Barnes shooters, I tried their early bullets in half a dozen rifles and got horrible accuracy. I’m talking about sub moa rifles going to 3” or 4” groups. I gave up on them. Do the newer bullets provide better accuracy? Is there some secret to reloading these bullets I’m missing?

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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.