I saw such a situation, in... how should I say, like a Scout camp. There was a makeshift bathhouse-a house made of scraps of boards and all sorts of shit, and a stove for heating water, and it was heated outside. All this was done by teenagers themselves. The stove was also heated by two Boy Scouts on duty. The first portion of firewood was almost burned out, they stuffed the second portion into the stove, and to make it burn better, they threw half a bucket of diesel fuel into it. They didn't know that you can't pour diesel fuel on burning coals. The stove turned into a powerful flamethrower, fire jets splashed out through the cracks between the bricks inside the bathhouse. Naked Boy Scouts ran out screaming. Oddly enough, no one was injured - neither those who washed, nor those on duty. They didn't even get their faces stuffed.