on a lighter note...

I went to Starbucks several years back and ordered a venti dark roast, black. Woman behind the counter gives me a thorough look and asks, “ Military?”

“No, but I am a military brat” was my reply.

“Oh, that explains it. It’s my experience that only two kinds of men drink coffee like that. Men who’ve been in the military, and those who’ve been in prison. I usually don’t ask the ones I think have done time.” :oops:

People get really weirded out by the black coffee crew, and flat out terrified of the red eye coffee drinkers.

Oil industry coffee is the same.
I made it so strong that my driller wouldn’t allow me to half the time.

I’ve seen the sun come up twice on a single shift multiple times in my career. There’s a reason for strong coffee!

One better; going up to a total stranger......Hey, how are you? You're looking good. I haven't seen you since high school. Oops gotta go I'm late for a meeting. (As you're walking away) Call me some time so we can catch up. Teresa is going to be so excited that I ran into you.
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Just heard this song on TV, now it’s stuck in my head so, I am sharing. You know, misery loves company and all. ;)

You’re welcome.
If the spoon doesn't stick straight up in the middle of the cup. It's tinted hot water.
My maternal grandmother made some coffee that was STRONG!!!

We were going to visit and unbeknownst to my mother or anyone else... Dad had welded a flatwasher to a spoon. Well after we had a meal, grandma brought out that deadly coffee. Dad was not a big coffee drinker but mom more than made up for that. Well dad was doctoring up his coffee with some cream and sugar and when nobody was looking he slipped that spoon out of his pocket and stood up in his cup;)

He says "OH MY GOD. THIS COFFEE IS SO STRONG IT'S HOLDING THE SPOON STRAIGHT UP!" Grandma looks and kind of chokes. Grandpa was just kind of nodding his head going hmmm. I mean he knew better than anyone that that was a reality.....

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?