on a lighter note...

I woke up with a huge tarantula on my face in Haiti. Not a great experience!
Reminds me of once when I picked up a load of laundry to put in the washer. I realized I had a bark scorpion about 2 inches from my face just about the time I put it in the washer. :oops:

Luckily didn’t wake up with the sob on my face. o_O
I woke up with a huge tarantula on my face in Haiti. Not a great experience!

Ok.Your situation is not funny.
But it did spark a memory a couple of challenges.

Our barracks was referred to as a zoo. Not because we were animalistic, but because of all the "pets" some of the guys had. One fellow had 3 farrets, 3 goldfish, and I think 1 bird. Another had 2 boa constricters and a python, at first he feed then mice, then baby chickens and rabbits. A third fellow had a tarantula. And this all started when we adopted a stray dog.

The challenges: 1. Allowing the tarantula to crawl on you. And 2. Handling one of the 2 - 3 feet long snakes.

Nope I wasn't drunk when I accepted both challenges. Of course not at the same time. First the tarantula was placed on the back of my hand and I let it crawl up to my shoulder before its owner removed it. Second was the boa, after I had been handling it for a few minutes, the snake started wrapping itself around my forearm, went under the sleeve of my shirt and up my arm, wrapped around my neck, across my other shoulder before its owner carefully removed the snake.

Not only did it prove just how crazy, or stupid I was. The experience proved I could keep cool under pressure. As the snake had wrapped around my neck the fellows were cutting jokes and senerios trying to make me laugh or do something that might cause the boa to react. Ok the boa wasn't big enough to do any serious harm and it's owner and others were there just in case.
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Answer I bought one for you dear as a surprise

Well, Hun,...you keep saying I don't take you anywhere. I figured I would surprise you with your own rifle so we can spend more time together......( under his breather...What the Hell was I thinking? I must have really been drunk)...dear. I can take you to the range and we can be together and I can take you hunting so we can be together. I can even teach you how to reload and we can reload our own ammo together. ODG!!!....WTH!!!..was I thinking....I do these things so we aren't together!

I don't know who "they" is, that said "It'll be fun"; but when I find them, I'm going to have fun alright....but "they" ain't!

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.