Not funny but one of my clients wrote this and I asked him if I could share. Pretty cool I thought.
Ode to Outdoorsmen
We are the ones.
We, who seek nature.
We, who thrive in wilderness.
We, who find our home afield.
It is our place.
Out there.
Out where we seek and see the beauty of God’s creation.
Out where we stand in awe.
Out. In the wild-ness.
For it is here we are free.
Free of mankind’s rules, restrictions, lanes, signs, demands, and dictates.
Free to observe and to learn.
Free to strive and to fail.
Free to jump in and to find our way.
Free to live.
Here we experience the beauty of life.
Life. Unobstructed.
Life. Untainted.
Life. Miraculous and mysterious.
Untamed and untamable.
Wonderous and awful.
Here, the sun warms our bodies and the storms batter us.
Here, the rivers flow softly and the floods dismissively push aside boulders.
Here, the winds shift while tides ceaselessly ebb and flow.
Here, life grants the greatest blessings and imposes the harshest sanctions.
In the midst of it’s magnitude,
we discover our smallness.
Swept up in the constant change and cycles, we experience our insignificance.
So we are compelled to let go and learn a new way.
A way that is respectful.
A way that is humble.
A way that is grateful.
A way marked by futile attempts to understand but free from the vain struggle to control.
A way that reveals the place we have been given.
A way that unveils acceptance and peace.
A way that awakens us to belonging.
W. M. Heyer