Paddy stumbles in to his house at 3:30 a.m., drunk, disheveled and with a rank odor. His wife comes out of the bedroom castigating him for coming home drunk. She looks at him and says "Look at yourself, you can't hardly stand, you threw up all over yourself and you shirt is torn. Paddy, not being able to speak without slurring his words, explains he was at the Grey Goose with his best friend who was eating raw oysters, got sick and threw up all over him. He went on to further verify that was what happened by telling his wife he was given twenty dollars to get his clothes washed and dry cleaned and the money was in his shirt pocket. His wife reaches in to the pocket and pulls out thirty dollars. She says "I thought he gave you twenty"? Paddy looks at her and says "Oh, yeah. I forgot. He shit in my pants too".