Old Kenyan Firearm Certificate


AH veteran
Apr 17, 2020
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It's nice to find something of interest once in a while, here's my Grandfather's Kenyan Firearm Certificate, and a few pages of interest.



KFL Cover #1.JPG
KFL Page 12-13 - Cut.JPG
KFL Page 16-17 - Cut.JPG
KFL Page 18-19 - Cut.JPG
KFL Page 22-23 - Cut.JPG
KFL Page 24-25 - Cut.JPG
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Bit similar to what we still have in Zambia, but don't have to renew every year ....bad enough trying to remember every three years..... As here it's usually one license per firearm unless you buy couple at same time....so you have them expiring at different times.......
Bit similar to what we still have in Zambia, but don't have to renew every year ....bad enough trying to remember every three years..... As here it's usually one license per firearm unless you buy couple at same time....so you have them expiring at different times.......

G'day Spike

In Australia, I think it's every five years, and only once when registering each firearm, so far, we only have to show our Firearm license to the Firearms dealers to purchase ammunition, we do not have to have any paperwork stamped. All firearms are to be securely locked away, and same with the ammo, but in a separate container. There is no longer any displaying of rifles on gun racks.

In Australia it is a pain if you want to have a pistol License, are you able to obtain a Pistol License in Zambia, or can you only obtain Long Arms only (Rifles & Shotguns) ?

Really neat seeing that piece of history. Thanks for the post and photos.

Makes me feel good to live in a country where the government doesn't have a clue as to the firearms I own.
Really neat seeing that piece of history. Thanks for the post and photos.

Makes me feel good to live in a country where the government doesn't have a clue as to the firearms I own.

Maybe, I may just emigrate to your country if laws become stricter (y):)


Really neat seeing that piece of history. Thanks for the post and photos.

Makes me feel good to live in a country where the government doesn't have a clue as to the firearms I own.
Which country is this?
G'day Spike

In Australia, I think it's every five years, and only once when registering each firearm, so far, we only have to show our Firearm license to the Firearms dealers to purchase ammunition, we do not have to have any paperwork stamped. All firearms are to be securely locked away, and same with the ammo, but in a separate container. There is no longer any displaying of rifles on gun racks.

In Australia it is a pain if you want to have a pistol License, are you able to obtain a Pistol License in Zambia, or can you only obtain Long Arms only (Rifles & Shotguns) ?


We allowed hand guns for sport and self defense... ammo is filled in on license when you purchase it....we pretty lucky so far in comparison to some other countries in Africa
We allowed hand guns for sport and self defense... ammo is filled in on license when you purchase it....we pretty lucky so far in comparison to some other countries in Africa

G'day Spike

In Australia, our so-called civilized Nation, there is no such thing as self defense. Only the criminals get away with owning illegal unlicensed firearms, including handguns, as they have rights. Meanwhile the poor innocent law abiding citizen get thrown in jail if using any type of weapon to defend themselves against an intruder, this is because it is used with intent! :mad:

As you may guess, a firearms license will be revoked if you purchase it for self defense in Australia.

Honestly, in politically unstable, or should I say, 'Independent' African countries, you need a handgun at the minimum, but an AK or an FN assault rifle would be preferable.(y)

Take Care
This is why all governments are currently far to large and big for their britches. Here in America they are talking about dismantling the police--how about dismantling most of the government and keeping all that tax money at home in our pockets. No more subsidizing illegitimate babies while we can't afford many of our own. I am tired of what government is "doing for me."
G'day Spike

In Australia, our so-called civilized Nation, there is no such thing as self defense. Only the criminals get away with owning illegal unlicensed firearms, including handguns, as they have rights. Meanwhile the poor innocent law abiding citizen get thrown in jail if using any type of weapon to defend themselves against an intruder, this is because it is used with intent! :mad:

As you may guess, a firearms license will be revoked if you purchase it for self defense in Australia.

Honestly, in politically unstable, or should I say, 'Independent' African countries, you need a handgun at the minimum, but an AK or an FN assault rifle would be preferable.(y)

Take Care

Quite lucky in Zambia... generally a friendly bunch of people.... Obviously there are exceptions.... So self defense is one of the reasons you put on your application form when you fill in for a new one..... But would feel safer hitchhiking around here than usa or European countries.... Might not be too comfortable and you might have to wait a long time in some places..... :D.....but I must say I do prefer the cruiser mode of getting around ;)
Unfortunately I think they know a lot about them. You make it out like we don't fill out forms when we buy them and such.

Understand where your coming from.


When and where those firearms were purchased makes all the difference. Nothing illegal, just when and where.
That's true. Up until a few years ago, private sales were still legal in my state and remain so in many states, not all of course. But lots of the guns I have were bought before the insanity started. Its only going to get worse I fear.
When you live in a state where the Mayor of the largest city north of San Fransicko says that its OK for a bunch of armed thugs to take over a section of my home town, Seattle, and then call it like "a summer of love", or "sort of like a street fair" and other similar inanities, well you know we cant be too far from just total, anarchy and chaos.

I left that sick fricking town in 1989 and never looked back! But its what happens when you have almost the whole of state and city govt in libtard hands for 50 years, its just nucking futz! Seattle city council is run by communists for Christ sakes!! The Mayor is retarded, the Gov doesn't know which way is up and makes Joe Biden seem brilliant by comparison, and on it goes...
That's true. Up until a few years ago, private sales were still legal in my state and remain so in many states, not all of course. But lots of the guns I have were bought before the insanity started. Its only going to get worse I fear.
When you live in a state where the Mayor of the largest city north of San Fransicko says that its OK for a bunch of armed thugs to take over a section of my home town, Seattle, and then call it like "a summer of love", or "sort of like a street fair" and other similar inanities, well you know we cant be too far from just total, anarchy and chaos.

I left that sick fricking town in 1989 and never looked back! But its what happens when you have almost the whole of state and city govt in libtard hands for 50 years, its just nucking futz! Seattle city council is run by communists for Christ sakes!! The Mayor is retarded, the Gov doesn't know which way is up and makes Joe Biden seem brilliant by comparison, and on it goes...
At least 3/4's of mine were legally acquired without benefit of a FFL.
It's nice to find something of interest once in a while, here's my Grandfather's Kenyan Firearm Certificate, and a few pages of interest.



View attachment 353373 View attachment 353374 View attachment 353375 View attachment 353376 View attachment 353377 View attachment 353378


Something interesting to me that I just noticed. On page 23, Hamid Wallli Mohamed sold your grandfather a colt 45. Mohamed was an outfitter and PH of some repute. There are a number of photos of him throughout AH even though they may not be labeled. He seemed to specialize in large elephants along the Tana and the NFD from what I recall.

Anyone else keep their paperwork from their past safaris? I have a few. They make neat mementos.
Thanks for sharing you grandfathers Firarms Certificate.

You might be interested to learn that the Firarms certificate (License) is still very much physically unchanged in Kenya.
My Firarms certificate looks exactly the same as the on you posted, the wording on the front page is only slightly changed, to reflect Republic of Kenya.

Its still renewable on an annual basis and with the same details inside, it still requires a trip to the firms bureau in Nairobi for renewal.
This past year it was a more complex affair as all licensed firearms holders had to undergo vetting. This meant that we had to physically take all firms to be checked by the firearms board and then we were informed what we could keep and what we had to hand back, or put in storage with a dealer.
Once this was done each firearm had to be taken for ballistic testing. Talk about jumping through hoops.

By the way, The firearms certificate for Tanzania is similar to the one in Kenya, but each firearm has its own license, so if you have 3 guns you must have 3 firearms certificates.
However thanks again and to nice to see some of the history from your family.
Unfortunately I think they know a lot about them. You make it out like we don't fill out forms when we buy them and such.

Wheels,Big brother is bigger than you may think.
Despite strict regulations, it is not so bad in Germany, I can have as many hunting rifles as I want, as long as I keep them safe.
And I do not need weapons for a civil war.
For self-defense I take the Drilling, cal 16 and 8x57
Also hurts.
Wheels,Big brother is bigger than you may think.
Despite strict regulations, it is not so bad in Germany, I can have as many hunting rifles as I want, as long as I keep them safe.
And I do not need weapons for a civil war.
For self-defense I take the Drilling, cal 16 and 8x57
Also hurts.
Our Civil War was fought with muskets and sabers.:eek: The intention of our Constitution was that every man be armed with the arm of the day on whatever day that may be. Thus when you say you have no need of weapons of "civil war", you in Germany where my ancestors hailed from, may not be allowed to have them:( for lack of a Bill of Rights as we have here, but that doesn't meant they might not be very desirable to have in hand at some point in your future.:cautious: We on the other hand already have them.(y) Just sayin'.:rolleyes:

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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.