Wow, great stuff wheels, I thought that I had heard that name before, but it didn't click, now that is something for sure
Thank you for pointing it out, it's greatly appreciated. By the way, that is a great elephant that he has shot, what a trophy, and I am guessing it is from the Tana River, as its covered in red dust. Absolutely a great photo
By the way, my grandfather used to be in the Australian Military Police during World War II, served in North Africa, and across South Eastern Asia. He had a Colt 1911 .45 on his side throughout the service and became so familiar with it. On his farm at Thika, he regularly did trick shots for my mother by shooting birds in flight with one quick shot with the Colt 1911.
Some People are naturals at that, meanwhile I cannot shoot a pistol accurately at a stationary paper target, let alone a bird in flight. I will stick to revolvers, at least I can hit what I am aiming at.
Thank you for posting.
Impressive shooting by your grandfather. When I was a youngster, I saw a man in his 60's shoot a 17 on a skeet range with a .22. I believe his best was a 22, with a .22. It seems trick shooting is a skill we are loosing as a society.
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@JudyB Walli Mohamed is on the ground in the center of the photo next to Tony Dyer. To be honest, I get Mohamed Balli and Walli Mohamed confused. When I said there is quite a bit of information within the AH forums, I was confusing Balli with Walli. I don't think there is as much about Walli Mohamed.
EAPHA AGM in Nairobi Kenya in 1971
Here's a photograph I thought I would also share on this thread. It's a group photo taken after the EAPHA AGM in Nairobi in 1971. I took the minutes! Last year Robin Hurt helped me verify some of the names. Think I'm the only one who kept the photo. Missing from the photo: Syd Downey, Donald Ker, Tony Seth-Smith and David Mead, who were on safari at the time. Standing (L to R) Bill Ryan, Terry Mathews, John Sutton, Tony Maxtone-Mailer, Bob Reitnauer, Bunny Ray, Brian Coleman, David Ommanney, Rene Babault, Chris Roberts, Patrick Gilbert-Hopkins, Tony France Lee Giraudo, (part hidden)?, Judy Blaeske, Brian Herne, John Alexander, Robin Hurt, Mike Webley, John Lawrence, Mike Keilly, Guy Grant, Kevin Torrens, Freddy Seed, Jens Hessel, Alfredo Pellizoli, ?, Alfie von Ausberg, Steve Smith, Laddy Wincza, ?, Mike Hissey, Ken Clark. Seated (L to R) Peter De Mello, Chris Lyon, Theo Potgeiter, Tony Dyer, Wali Mohamed, Gideon Kago, Nicky Blunt, Edgar De Bono, Dave Williams, Glen Cottar Bill Winter, Ray Palfrey.