North Fork Technologies

North Fork Technologies

North Fork Technologies

Since 2024
AH senior member
Jan 31, 2024
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A “Bore Riding” bullet? So…what exactly is that?

“First off, I’m no celebrity or famous spokesperson. I’m just a regular hunter like most of you reading this and wanted to share some little known details about North Fork bullets.
My introduction to these was at a hunting show years ago. A bullet was displayed that had been recovered from an animal. It was a perfect mushroom, had mini-grooves on the shank, and surprisingly had retained almost all of its original weight. It was a North Fork SS bullet. These grooves greatly reduce the surface area that contacts the rifling (“bore riding”) which lowers both friction and pressure, yielding significantly higher velocities than standard bullets. Additionally, it is incredibly accurate. As for performance, the SS is the best of both worlds. The bonded lead nose gives you excellent expansion. It’s coupled with a long, solid copper shank that drives through heavy muscle and bone. I’ve used North Fork bullets exclusively since I discovered them and couldn’t be more pleased.”

Martin Owen, RPh

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One of our loyal and regular customers wrote a beautiful report on a hunt with his partner and using North Fork Bullets since 2019. In this case, he was testing the 308 bullet.

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My name is Erik Bertilsson and I've been hunting since I could walk more or less, I remember when dad had to help me over the ditches that today I barely react to me taking a step to pass. I hunt big and small, everything from pigeons to moose and I'm out with the gun 2-3 days every week and pretty much all year round since the wild boar appeared on my land.

I came in contact with North Fork around 2019 after reading an excellent recession in the Gun Magazine and decided to test their bullets in my 308 and I was immediately very pleased. The bullet had minimal meat destruction and the game did not take many steps after the shot. When I wasn't satisfied with the ammunition that was available for my D99 in 7x57r, the choice was quite easy, either to start loading myself or of course buy bullets from North Fork Technologies. If you want to know more, there is an interview on their YouTube page.

So, I thought I'd tell you a little bit about a hunt that happened in 2022 in September when my girlfriend and I at the time, were going to sneak out one evening after a buck when a little more meat was needed for the freezer, just the minced meat was out so a trophy buck was not a must. We have an incredible number of deer and several goats had 2 or 3 kids, in the back of my mind, I thought a kid would be suitable if no buck appeared. Right when we got down to the wheat field, we saw 6-7 deer and the buck was visible at about 600m, so we had to set up a plan and start sneaking down towards the buck. We ended up sneaking into an edge zone between the field and an already threshed wheat field, so crouching we got closer quite easily and soon we were inside 200m and took a small break to review the situation before it was time for the last sneak towards the buck.

Just as we started to sneak again, I saw out of the corner of my eye how a lone deer came out into the threshed field and ran straight towards us! I quickly see that it is a lone kid, during 2 dove hunts I have seen this kid running all alone in this field and there had previously been a couple of deer killed here so most likely the goat was one of the deer. I decided to shoot the kid instead, as my experience with lone kids in September is not particularly large as adults and I know what a great bullet I have in the D99 so there wouldn't be much meat destroyed even on a kid.

So now, good advice has become expensive: the kid stops about 50m away and starts to graze, but it is right behind the girlfriend! We stood completely still and hardly dared to blink, but we had to do something! So very slowly she starts crouching down and amazingly manages to lay down and cover her ears so I can shoot a simple shot standing over her back! The shot is taken in the heart before it makes a small rush of 30m before falling over. Then it was just a matter of taking it out and heading to the slaughterhouse, and the buck had to grow another year!

Best regards, Erik Bertilsson


Hej, jag heter Erik Bertilsson och har jagat sen jag kunde gå mer eller mindre, jag minns när pappa var tvungen att hjälpa mig över diken som jag idag knappt reagerar över att jag tar ett steg för att passera. Jag jagar stort som smått, allt från duvor till älgar och jag är ute med bössan 2-3 dagar varje vecka och så gott som året runt sen vildsvinen dök upp på mina marker.

Jag kom i kontakt med North Fork runt 2019 efter att ha läst en väldigt bra recession i Vapentidningen och bestämde mig för att testa kulan i min 308 och jag blev genast väldigt nöjd. Väldigt liten köttförstöring och viltet tog inte många steg efter skottet. Så när jag inte blev nöjd med ammunitionen som fanns till min D99 i 7x57r så blev valet ganska lätt att börja ladda själv och självklart blev det en kula från North Fork Technologies. Vill ni veta mer så finns det en intervju på deras Youtubesida.

Så jag tänkte berätta lite om en jakt som hände 2022 i september när jag och min dåvarande flickvän skulle smyga ut en kväll efter en bock då det behövdes lite mer kött till frysen, just köttfärsen var slut så någon trofébock var inget måste. Vi har otroligt gott om rådjur och flera getter hade både 2 och 3 killingar så jag hade även i bakhuvudet att en killing skulle ju passa om ingen bock dök upp. Direkt när vi kom ner till veteåkern så såg vi 6-7 rådjur och bocken syntes väl på ca 600m så det blev till att lägga upp en plan och börja smyga ner mot bocken. Det blev till att smyga i en kantzon mellan åkern och en redan tröskad veteåker så hukade tog vi oss ganska enkelt närmare och snart var vi inne på 200m och tog en liten paus för att se över läget lite innan det var dags för sista ansmygningen fram mot bocken.

Just som vi började smyga igen så ser jag i ögonvrån hur ett ensamt rådjur kommer ut på den tröskade åkern och springer rakt mot oss! Jag ser snabbt att det är en ensam killing, jag har under 2 duvjakter sett denna killing springa helt ensam på denna åker och det hade tidigare blivit ett par rådjur ihjälkörda här så mest troligt var geten ett av rådjuren. Jag beslutar mig för att skjuta killingen istället då min erfarenhet av ensamma killingar i september inte blir speciellt stora som vuxna och jag vet ju vilken toppenkula jag har i D99:an så det skulle inte bli speciellt mycket kött förstört ens på en killing.

Så nu blev goda råd dyra, killingen stannar ca 50m bort och börjar beta, men precis bakom flickvännen! Vi står helt stilla och vågar knappt blinka, men något måste vi ju göra! Så väldigt sakta börja hon huka sig ner och lyckas otroligt nog lägga sig ner och hålla för öronen så att jag kan skjuta ett enkelt skott ståendes över hennes rygg! Killingen markerar med ett klassiskt litet skutt att skottet tagit i hjärtat innan den gör en liten rusning på 30m innan den går omkull. Sen var det bara att ta ur och bege sig till slakteriet, och bocken fick växa på sig ett år till!

Mvh Erik Bertilsson
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Another Happy Client

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How about some 577 Nitro Express softs and solids in 650 and 750 grain bullets?

I ordered some 175 gr SS for my 280 AI directly from North Fork on Monday, they were in my mail box today. Can't wait to test these, then take the missus back to @Limcroma Safaris so she can get her zebra.

She says she *only* wants a zebra. But if you give a moose a muffin, pretty soon he's going to want butter & jam to go with it. And probably some bacon, coffee, and a glass of juice. Maybe even some melon, pineapple, and mango. I wouldn't discount another pastry or 2, either.
Where can I buy North Fork bullets in Canada?
Give prophet river guns a call. That is where I bought mine.

@BC Ta and I just returned from Africa. we were running North fork in all our rifles. In total we took 2 x Cape buff, an eland, a Kudu, and a sable. All the recovered bullets looked great.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
