I'm glad you didn't call me a liar, my mother didn't raise liars
Just a lot of this

I'm glad you didn't call me a liar, my mother didn't raise liars
Did you meet the owner? Did he take you hunting at all?
Of such are nightmares made. The safari from hell !Day 5, this was the day I'll never forget. At breakfast, the camp manager tells us there is a problem, Barry burchell never got our hunting licenses. And we were told the group in the south camp,( the hunters there) were put in jail. Because they didn't have licenses either. So the staff took our trophies we had already, from the salt, and hid them in the bush. We were then told we were there on photo safari. They were worried the Namibian police were coming to our camp. So, that day, which was suppose to be hunting, we drove around the property, as tourists! No guns, no hunting. Lost a day of hunting.
As you can imagine, we were all worried,( locked up abroad the tv show)
We were told 12 animals, that didn't happen, I did the best of 5 hunters
If I was an outfitter and did this, I'd run for the hills and never show my face again!I am kinda surprised that the outfitter hasn't joined (or had someone join) in an effort to respond to this thread. Shows me that they really don't care about poor customer satisfaction, and/or are hiding from a bad hunt they are ultimately responsible for. Either way it's unacceptable.
If I was an outfitter and did this, I'd run for the hills and never show my face again!
............. we could not hunt the next day while someone drove to Windhoek to obtain the licenses.
.................... The trophy shipping was another problem, we were told that our trophies would ship from an exporter in Windhoek and after about 6 months passed with no word on shipping I started sending emails asking what was happening, it took quite some time to get a response but then I was told that Barry was going to have to go to Namibia and pick them up and bring them back to South Africa for shipping. Apparently he had a falling out with the shipping company in Windhoek (I think he wasn't paying them) so they brought everything back to South Africa to do the dip and pack and then shipped to us, it ended up being a full year before we got them here!