Gemsbok, I mean Warthog
So while in the low lands mainly looking for warthog and steinbok there was the off chance we'd run into a gemsbok. This also happened to be in the middle of when I had my melt down and couldn't hit my ass with both hands with my rifle. I had gone back to the range and shot a few rounds to get my shit together which helped a bit but I am still thoroughly pissed off over some missed shots. Putting pretty little holes in nice groupings in the bullseye helps a bit but after a lifetime of shooting, static shots like this do little but to confirm the fact that I pulled some shots. In another way this tended to make me more mad at myself but at least confirmed what I already new, there wasn't a damn thing wrong with my rifle and it was all in my head.
Well in the midst of the warthog little guy search we stumble onto a great gemsbok bull with a bum leg. He was a nice mature bull and definitely needed to be put down. I've got a chip shot at him, throw up my rifle and take the shot. I actually felt very confident in it and as he was so close it wasn't unusual to not hear the bullet whop. He takes off like a bat out of hell and I figured he was heart shot with the way he bolted. He takes off into the thick stuff and we head over to find the blood. Well....... there was none. Odd I thought but having killed gemsbok before and guided a billion scimitar hunts not wholly unusual. I figure we'll pick up some blood in a few yards and find him. Nope....... Nothing. I'm standing there trying to figure out what happened and Philip and Hendrick start pulling me up the hill where low and behold an unshot gemsbok bull with a bum leg is standing looking back at us. Well hell, I get on the sticks and shoot again. Same thing shot feels good but off the bull goes like a rocket. Again no blood. I'm having a serious WTF moment

As we search in vain it soon becomes evident that I completely whiffed him twice in a row at damn near stone throwing distance.
Well I'm pissed and thoroughly embarrassed now. I apologize to Philip, Hendrick, Mel, and Vincent the whole way back to the bakkie. Even sitting here now and the 10 million times I've replayed the shots in my mind I have no clue what the hell happened. Both shots felt great. Its like I was shooting blanks, I certainly wasn't but best I can figure is I shot over him both times. IDK, it was embarrassing as hell though.
We make it to the cruiser and I'm boiling mad at myself. We loop around in a wing and a prayer that we might find him again in the fading light of the evening. As we drive into the creek bottom Philip slams on the breaks. I'm assuming he sees the gemsbok and I'm out of the bakkie before it stops. I see nothing..... Philip says warthog in the creek! I look down and sure enough there are two warthog. He says take him and I have no idea which one. I ask and he clarifies. Bam! the warthog roles and gets back up struggling to make it out of the creek. I hear Charlie say he's down.
I was still in the middle of a bit of a temper tantrum over the gemsbok. I jack the spent brass out and chunk it into the bakkie.
I go off to the side and take my own path to the warthog to register what all happened and get my act together. I meet up with everyone and there lies a great male warthog. All of the emotion from earlier is gone and I am elated to see a fantastic pumba laying in the grass.
In that moment whatever it was that had me buggered up went away and I was good for the rest of the trip. I shot well for the remainder of our time and whatever the hell it was that was in my head only needed a warthog to fix it.
I sat there admiring a beautiful warthog during a stunning sunset and remembered why I was there. Suddenly I didn't have a care in the world as I ran my hands down his main. I giggled as I thought to myself, "just another shit day in Africa". ( note the sarcasm in the expression)