Khomas Hochland
After our early success in Bushmanland we traveled to a private farm in the Khomas Hochland region for some plains game. Jacques had another client hunting leopard there, so it allowed him to host both of us in the same camp. The property got my attention since it had a number of species I was interested in including Hartmann’s zebra, baboon, and caracal.
The countryside in this region is dry, rough, and mountainous but it was also some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve seen in Africa. At first glance I wondered what could possibly survive on land like this. By the time the trip was over I was amazed with the amount of game we had seen. Keep in mind that this is 100% free range with only low cattle fences on the property.
I’m sure I’ll miss something but here’s a list of the species we saw.
Hartmann’s Zebra
Cheetah – This was an incredible 5-minute encounter. We watched him casually walk up the side of a mountain and pause broadside at the top as he looked back at us.
Not the biggest warthog but he was probably older than any other I’ve taken. I had borrowed a rifle chambered in 325 WSM from the PH working the leopard hunt and it did a fine job at about 225 yds.
Hartmann’s had been on my list for years so I was elated to hear that I may finally get my chance. As I had always been told these animals are tough to hunt. They’re much spookier than the Burchell’s I’ve hunted, and the terrain they inhabit makes stalking them tough. We were lucky to get within 250 yards of this one.
This is another animal I’ve hoped for for years. As you can tell by the teeth, he was an old guy. We found out that he was a loner that had been breaking into the staff housing and ransacking them for the last few months. I was lucky enough to catch him in the open not far from there and made quick work of him. Everyone there was glad to see him gone.
My luck held out on the trip to allow me a chance at this caracal. A solid from my trusty 375 did the job at a meager 40 yards.
Genet. It’s always nice to see the small canine and feline species.
Sundowners on the red dunes of Namibia.
This last bit is going to sound like an advertisement, but I cannot say enough good things about those that made this possible and put my mind at ease along the way.
Like so many, I had chalked up 2020 as a loss as far as hunting Africa. Surprise, surprise, in mid-September I saw a post on AH about a non-exportable elephant hunt in Namibia. The price was right, the timing was acceptable, and I had heard good things about the outfitter Jacques Spamer, the owner operator of
@JKO HUNTING SAFARIS. I sent him a PM. A few messages and a very small amount of deeper consideration on my part I booked it. Obviously, it proved to be a decision I would not regret. Jacques did an amazing job at all aspects making the trip a success. I will be hunting with him again.
Knowing the challenges I would face with the travel arrangements I contacted Jennifer Ginn with
@TRAVEL EXPRESS, told her my plans, and she set to work getting my itinerary together. This was one of the best decisions I could have possibly made. The airline and/or flight schedule changed 7 times that I know of. Each time she dealt with it as needed and updated me accordingly. I can’t imagine having tried this one without her.
Just one of the many things that will make this trip last in my memory is the fact that we had Chris Esterhuizen of Jongosi Media along to document it with video and pics. His personality and the banter between him and Jacques added a lot to the trip and kept a smile on my face every day. Spending the days with those two was a pleasure. I’ll also have Chris along on many more future trips.
There’s not much I can think of to say other than this was a dream trip that went better than I could’ve ever imagined. Every aspect of this adventure besides the early sickness was amazing. Namibia was a destination I had considered many times and now that I’ve been there I know that I’ll return.
Until next time my friends.