AH ambassador
Bob,@Cervus elaphas
There were many a Sako 222 barrel burnt out. When sako was asked to provide spare barrels they said no one could burn out a barrel that quickly. They sent out a rep to check it out and when they found out it was true they started to send barrels to Australia. It was the only country in the world at the time that wore out barrels hunting.
Australia is still probably the only country in the world where rifle barrels can be wore out hunting, because you guys can hunt year round. As per our previous conversation a few days ago, I didn't know you were allowed to hunt big game year round and you didn't know that in many western US states, you get ONE big game hunting season in the fall. Some states allow you to hunt in all seasons, but in Colorado as an example for elk, you choose archery, muzzle loader or rifle season. You get to hunt in ONE of those and for ONE elk. If you choose rifle, you must choose ONE of four ONE WEEK seasons, starting in October and runs through generally the latter part of November. Unless you get a leftover tag, that's it! Same general seasons for deer and about a couple of week season for pronghorn. Your big game hunting, if you have even drawn a tag to begin with, is over for the year. You can get an over the counter bull elk tag in the other areas that aren't in the draw areas, but generally speaking, you get one week to hunt elk. Unless you get an over the counter tag, you may only draw a tag every couple of years? You may not see an elk to shoot every time you have a tag? That is why a box of big game hunting ammo can last many hunters here several years, depending on how often they go to the range. And since they'res not much ammo to be had anyway, no worn out big game rifle barrels here! Ha! Ha!
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