A good friend of mine , Dr. Khayrul Amin proposed a theory to me once why man eating panthers are so common in India , as opposed to Africa , where the man eating panther ( referred to , as a " leopard " in Africa )
is comparatively rare . The theory is as follows :
In India , roughly 60 to 70 % of the population are unfortunately vegetarian . As such , the heat signatures of these people are different from those who eat meat . It may entirely be possible that leopards can sense the heat signatures of other animals . When they sense the heat signatures of these people , they associate them with the herbivorous animals which they normally eat ( such as cheetal deer or 4 horned buck ) .
In order to reinforce this theory , the good Doctor gave me a book named " The man eaters of Tsavo " written by 1 Colonel Patterson . The book revolves around 2 man eating lions in Africa which were terrorizing rail road workers in the early 1900s. The Doctor showed me that the rail road workers were all brought over from India ( and were all predominantly vegetarian as they were Jain Hindu ) and that the lions did not actually start molesting humans until the Indian workers started working on the rail road tracks . I do not know how sound the Doctor's theory is , as l am not a Doctor myself . However , his theory certainly does seem rather well thought out and reasonable to me .