I am not a political genius, but the Russians have a saying... "People are People". The gist of its meaning is that people are the same the world over. They have the same wants and needs. But, others have stated that Democracy does not work in Africa because the people are not wired that way. On face value, that may be true in that much of the African continent is populated with people who came from tribal cultures. In such as single strong leader runs the village and makes most of the decisions. As such a democratic approach may feel odd and chaotic. Democracy is not perfect and does have its own limitations but other options such as socialist or totalitarian government is less likely to result in prosperity. When the USA declared and won its independence, those people were not "Wired" for democracy either having lived under royal monarchy for centuries. A government of the people was and is an experiment. It worked for a while but requires constant effort to prevent it from drifting into a more socialist form. The same occurred in France and other locations. There will be corruption in every form of government. It is one of the duties of any government to root out corrupt officials and eliminate them thru rule of law. We all struggle with that task.
In the 1960's thru the 1980's many of the African colonies threw off their colonial governments (European based) and won their independence. Most of them devolved into some form of socialist or communist governmental forms (not all of course). Socialism is almost always a path to universal poverty. Democracy does not insure prosperity. It only offers the freedom to try to prosper.
Africa is rich in natural resources and could be more prosperous, perhaps. People are people. All people are created equal. That premise does not mean that we all end up with equal outcomes. Some prosper and some fail. Freedom to do both is the key folks.