Well, maybe I am wired a bit different, but I HAVE gone for the clutch pedal in my auto Jeep in an unexpected stop situation, as my other Jeep and truck are both manuals.
A serious question for the Blaser guys. I understand that the Blaser R8 bolt is locked when it is decocked. Cocking the rifle releases the bolt for manipulation. My question is this; With rifle loaded, and bolt completely closed, handle forward, is bolt handle completely locked and immobile when rifle is decocked? Or can handle be moved rearward a small amount ? If the R8 handle being completely forward is essential to reliability and not getting a "click" in moment of truth, it seems that the bolt should be locked completely in battery, with NO rearward movement possible. The thing I have a hard time wrapping my head around is how these "clicks" are happening if the bolt handle is not completely closed, as the bolt is supposed to be locked when uncocked. Presumably in these situations where R8 fails to fire the bolt was locked prior to cocking the rifle. If the bolt handle is not completely forward, is it still locked in that condition (partially in battery) when uncocked ? Can you uncock the Blaser with bolt handle not fully forward , and if you can, what happens ? If the bolt handle is closed completely, but then bumped rearward a small amount during carry this could result in a click, unless the bolt has absolutely no movement when decocked.