Looking for advice…

Done 8 safaris, never taken a package.

Daily rate and pricelist, then you choose in the field. If your PH is a decent guy, he will point to you those animals worth shooting.
That's what I've found on my hunts in Zimbabwe as well.
As I sit here in Johannesburg waiting to board my flight back to Dulles in Washington DC, please know this. I generally fly Pittsburgh to Newark then direct to JNB on United. The long flight is about 14-15 hours. This trip, to get a cheaper business seat, I am flying Qatar. That’s an 8 1/2 hr flight from JNB to Doha, 3 hr layover, then 14 1/2 flight to Dulles. The fact that they changed planes and there are no Q-suites on this flight home, nor any Q-suites on the flight over, that is disappointing, then I have to endure several hours of additional flight time. I’ll go back to flying United or you can consider Delta through Atlanta.
Thank you for the info. Do you have any trouble taking rifles through Dulles?
Plenty of good advice given so far. Create a big check list. Expand your list of animals to hunt and have multiple conversations/discussions with more than one outfitter. Confirm their concessions and opportunities to hunt the animals you desire and have several animals as alternatives. Be open to opportunities with your planning and while on your hunt. If you have extra time and can afford it, take a couple extra days, you won’t regret it.

You may want to consider Emirates Airlines. I flew with them on my most recent trip and it went really well. Can’t say that for my last trip with Delta!

Good luck
Kind of hard to explain about “must have” species lists since it is so subjective. Others have posted similar thoughts. Might consider going and letting Africa and the game decide what to go after or take. Of course you’ll need some parameters of trophy fee vs your budget.

When I first went, I was surprised and really impressed by the beauty of the waterbuck. One trip I was able to take a really good red hartebeest. I couldn’t believe how impressive that bull was as I walked up to it. Not so much the horns but the coat color and conformation of the body. The same thing happened walking up to a large eland bull! Hard to describe how big they are! If you have hunted white tailed deer mano-a-mano, on foot, in their element, to me that kind of describes hunting the sneaky woodland types like bushbuck and common reedbuck. The list of animals that turn out to be a lot different than expected could go on and on. Even if you don’t hunt them, another plus in some areas is running across such as elephants and giraffes. Stumbling into, at close range, a large bull elephant in thick woodland cover is an experience you won't soon forget! Same for lions roaring at night. I still can’t believe how loud they are! :)
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After 2 failed attempts to make it to Africa, I am once again considering this life long dream. Ever since I was a young boy, I dreamed of going on safari. I made a list of my “must have” animals, but now I am rethinking that strategy. I’ll most likely be hunting in Limpopo, and no dangerous game is planned for my first trip. Kudu has always been my number 1, but a great eland would make me just as happy. I would like the opportunity to take 5-6 animals but what I don’t want is to be rushed in order to fill the “list”. I would like 8 days of hunting. I am wondering if it is best to go with kudu or eland in mind, and then just take what is offered for the remainder, or is it better to pick a package deal that may afford a discounted rate and just hope for the best? Shipping costs could also be a deciding factor, and European style mounts is what I would opt for with the horned animals. I’ve always wanted a warthog, but I’ve been told they are expensive to import to the USA. As for rifles, I would most likely just rent a camp gun to save the hassle, but being left handed could be a problem. Lastly, about the only deal breaker for me is I don’t do well in coach. It’s business class or nothing. 37 years of plumbing have ruined my back and legs, and have to be able to stretch out. Plus at 6’4” tall and 285, I don’t make a great seat mate. I am thinking about finding the best airfare possible and then building the trip around that. Do flights vary by season? I am flying from Seattle and would like the fewest stops possible. I would appreciate comments!
dm sent

and we have left hand rifle for you to rent no problems
Based on the requirements you laid out. Determine what your budget, as that will drive many of the decisions you will make. Look at the shoulder seasons for best flight prices. (Mar-May) (Oct-Nov) I have always used Shawn at Gracy Travel to get all our travel and gun paperwork in order. Have heard very good things about Jennifer at Travel Express but have never used their services. If you decide to not take your own rifles, every outfitter I have hunted with has rilfes available for rent.

For the hunting have your short list of the animals you absolutely feel is Africa to you. Then take what africa gives you. You will see an animal that just stops you in your tracks based on how it moves or looks. Keep an open mind and work with your PH.

For travel I have flown on Delta and Qatar. since in am small I was in coach on qatar and coach through economy comfort on Delta. I felt the economy comfort had plenty of leg and hip room, you could see if your travel folks can get you the bulk head seating for even more leg room. I haven't flown business class so cant comment on that. I prefer Delta. Qatar is a great company and the flight and their crews treat you great I just don't like the 15 hour flight out of DFW then a layover in Doha and a additional 8 hours to Joberg. I will just take the not quite as good a service and a straight 15 hours to joberg and spend the night at city lodge or another good hotel in joberg.

What happened on your 1st 2 attempts?
Thank you for the info. Do you have any trouble taking rifles through Dulles?
My frustration with Dulles is like what happened yesterday. I get off the plane, get to Customs, get sent to 'secondary', which is expected for having a gun. Sitting in 'secondary' well over an hour, with my gun at their counter, waiting for them to open my gun case, check the serial number, then say I can go. Really, over an hour and there were exactly 6 people sitting in secondary. For many trips through Dulles there was a guy there with 'Napoleon Syndrome', he hassled everyone with a rifle. People bitch about Newark a lot, but from my many experiences, I'll take Newark over Dulles any day.

What happened on your 1st 2 attempts?
On my first trip, I was booked to hunt Namibia in 2004. About 8 months before the trip, my ex wife went off the deep end, and after a lengthy and costly battle, I ended up with custody of my then 14 year old son. Not only had I used up all of my money in that custody battle, there was no way I was going to leave him with somebody while I gallivant off to Africa. My priorities had changed at that moment. On the second trip, I was scheduled to go to Limpopo in July of last year. Had airfare booked and everything on that one. At the last minute, my daughters, taekwondo, national tournament popped up, something that nobody told me about when I was planning the trip to Africa. So once again I postponed my trip. More than once over the years, I have said that I thought I lost my window of opportunity for Africa. But the draw of this lifelong dream remains strong, and I am determined to get there before I leave this planet. I’m hoping for May 2025 and thanks to many forum members, I’m well on my way with planning once again.
My frustration with Dulles is like what happened yesterday. I get off the plane, get to Customs, get sent to 'secondary', which is expected for having a gun. Sitting in 'secondary' well over an hour, with my gun at their counter, waiting for them to open my gun case, check the serial number, then say I can go. Really, over an hour and there were exactly 6 people sitting in secondary. For many trips through Dulles there was a guy there with 'Napoleon Syndrome', he hassled everyone with a rifle. People bitch about Newark a lot, but from my many experiences, I'll take Newark over Dulles any day.
Had this experience too. I was afraid to say or do anything because the guy was such an a-hole… What a joke.

Getting my rifle through SFO was cake… It also helped that it checked through Dubai on Emirates and San Francisco was my final destination.
On my first trip, I was booked to hunt Namibia in 2004. About 8 months before the trip, my ex wife went off the deep end, and after a lengthy and costly battle, I ended up with custody of my then 14 year old son. Not only had I used up all of my money in that custody battle, there was no way I was going to leave him with somebody while I gallivant off to Africa. My priorities had changed at that moment. On the second trip, I was scheduled to go to Limpopo in July of last year. Had airfare booked and everything on that one. At the last minute, my daughters, taekwondo, national tournament popped up, something that nobody told me about when I was planning the trip to Africa. So once again I postponed my trip. More than once over the years, I have said that I thought I lost my window of opportunity for Africa. But the draw of this lifelong dream remains strong, and I am determined to get there before I leave this planet. I’m hoping for May 2025 and thanks to many forum members, I’m well on my way with planning once again.
Take the kids with you and they can’t cause an issue with attempt #3
Excellent strategy! I wish I could take everyone, my wife would love to go. The girls… not so much.
On my first trip, I was booked to hunt Namibia in 2004. About 8 months before the trip, my ex wife went off the deep end, and after a lengthy and costly battle, I ended up with custody of my then 14 year old son. Not only had I used up all of my money in that custody battle, there was no way I was going to leave him with somebody while I gallivant off to Africa. My priorities had changed at that moment. On the second trip, I was scheduled to go to Limpopo in July of last year. Had airfare booked and everything on that one. At the last minute, my daughters, taekwondo, national tournament popped up, something that nobody told me about when I was planning the trip to Africa. So once again I postponed my trip. More than once over the years, I have said that I thought I lost my window of opportunity for Africa. But the draw of this lifelong dream remains strong, and I am determined to get there before I leave this planet. I’m hoping for May 2025 and thanks to many forum members, I’m well on my way with planning once again.
take your son and daughter with you, they will have an absolute blast
Excellent strategy! I wish I could take everyone, my wife would love to go. The girls… not so much.
Hi from Grahamstown, in the Eastern Cape. Glad you're finally getting your opportunity!
A lot of wives / partners come along on hunts, and have an equally good time. If your wife does not enjoy the hunting side of things, there is always the option of letting her do a photographic safari. It's a great idea for friends, or the kids, too!
Enjoy the planning and shout if you need any info / assistance.
After 2 failed attempts to make it to Africa, I am once again considering this life long dream. Ever since I was a young boy, I dreamed of going on safari. I made a list of my “must have” animals, but now I am rethinking that strategy. I’ll most likely be hunting in Limpopo, and no dangerous game is planned for my first trip. Kudu has always been my number 1, but a great eland would make me just as happy. I would like the opportunity to take 5-6 animals but what I don’t want is to be rushed in order to fill the “list”. I would like 8 days of hunting. I am wondering if it is best to go with kudu or eland in mind, and then just take what is offered for the remainder, or is it better to pick a package deal that may afford a discounted rate and just hope for the best? Shipping costs could also be a deciding factor, and European style mounts is what I would opt for with the horned animals. I’ve always wanted a warthog, but I’ve been told they are expensive to import to the USA. As for rifles, I would most likely just rent a camp gun to save the hassle, but being left handed could be a problem. Lastly, about the only deal breaker for me is I don’t do well in coach. It’s business class or nothing. 37 years of plumbing have ruined my back and legs, and have to be able to stretch out. Plus at 6’4” tall and 285, I don’t make a great seat mate. I am thinking about finding the best airfare possible and then building the trip around that. Do flights vary by season? I am flying from Seattle and would like the fewest stops possible. I would appreciate comments!
Most outfitters offer "first time to Africa" hunt packages with a list of pre-selected plains game. Also, you can talk to them about additional animals not included in the package. Manage your expectations because what you want may elude you. It took me two trips to Africa to get a third of what I wanted. As far as flights, Select a flight with the least number of stateside stops to the east coast and one that keeps you with the same airline. from there, select your flight so that you fly direct to your destination to avoid the hassle of your weapons/ammo security checks. Lastly, the farther in the future you book flights, the cheaper they are. This way you also can select the seats/aisles that give you the maximum leg room. I fly to Africa and Europe each, once a year to hunt and this is what I learned.
Lastly, if you don't have an outfitter in mind yet, check out Tinashe Safaris in South Africa. They offer six or seven hunting packages. They are highly regarded and well established. Another (and the one I hunt with annually), is JKO Outfitters in South Africa. The owner/PH is Jacques Spamer and he not only offers first timer hunting packages, but other packages for dangerous and exotic hunts, and bespoke hunts. I can't say enough good things about JKO, but there are many reputable safari outfitters as well.

Welcome to AH

I've imported 2 warthogs and 1 baboon along with several other pieces of taxidermy and haven't had any problems getting my animals into the US.

Since I live East of the Mississippi and roughly an equal distance from Dulles and Atlanta airports and have flown out of and into both airports. I prefer traveling out of Dulles. Flying out of Dulles has been less expensive on Qatar than Qatar and Delta via Atlanta.

Package deals: I figure the number of days I want my trip to be and plan my animals accordingly.
When checking out outfitters I recommend an outfitter that doesn't charge for both your arrival and departure days, only for your hunting days.

The outfitter I hunt with in the East Cape, RSA offers 7 full hunting days, and doesn't count my arrival or departure days; roughly 7 full days, 2 half days (depending on arrival and departure flight schedules), 8 nights at the lodge. A 9 day total trip.

Some outfitters offer a 7 day trip but you only hunt 5 or 5 1/2 or 5 and 2 half days depending on your arrival and departure flight schedules.

Talk with outfitters, vet them though the forum, ask who has hunted with the particular outfitters, get members opinions and experiences, "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."

Figure out your budget: ie
Flights, surcharge for taking weapon(s) or gun rental plus ammunition.
Daily Rates
Trophy Fees
Taxidermy deposit
Tips, if you choose to tip
Souvenir shopping
Snacks, meals, drinks, etc. between flights or while traveling to and from hunting areas or just out and about away from the lodge.

Then discuss with your outfitter what kind of package deal they can offer you. You might be able to add an extra day and/ or another animal.

As previously mentioned TIA expect the unexpected. You'll definitely want to discuss with your outfitter about being able to substitute /exchange animals on your package list for animals on your Animals of Opportunity list. Because you and your PH may see a lot of a species on your list, but not a trophy quality animal.

IMO the easiest Pg trophy size animals to hunt are impala, springbok, blesbok, duiker and giraffe. Warthog depends on the area. The hardest of the PG animals: bushbuck, bushpig, the tiny ten, kudu, eland, gemsbok, lechwe, sable, hartebeest, zebra, and wildebeest.

Good luck with your planning and Happy Hunting.
Good advice…my experience on PG is there is usually one target animal be it a kudu, Gemsbok or Sable then other animals like zebra, impala, wart hog or other less cost animals are added for a 5 game package. On the EC you can find quality great outfitters who can deliver this from $4500 to $5500. I recommend being open to other animals of opportunity to be discussed prior to your hunt. Once you get to an Atlanta your flight will be 15 hours if direct to JNB overnight then 1.5 hours to EC. Wishing you the very best!!!
Most outfitters offer "first time to Africa" hunt packages with a list of pre-selected plains game. Also, you can talk to them about additional animals not included in the package. Manage your expectations because what you want may elude you. It took me two trips to Africa to get a third of what I wanted. As far as flights, Select a flight with the least number of stateside stops to the east coast and one that keeps you with the same airline. from there, select your flight so that you fly direct to your destination to avoid the hassle of your weapons/ammo security checks. Lastly, the farther in the future you book flights, the cheaper they are. This way you also can select the seats/aisles that give you the maximum leg room. I fly to Africa and Europe each, once a year to hunt and this is what I learned.
Lastly, if you don't have an outfitter in mind yet, check out Tinashe Safaris in South Africa. They offer six or seven hunting packages. They are highly regarded and well established. Another (and the one I hunt with annually), is JKO Outfitters in South Africa. The owner/PH is Jacques Spamer and he not only offers first timer hunting packages, but other packages for dangerous and exotic hunts, and bespoke hunts. I can't say enough good things about JKO, but there are many reputable safari outfitters as well.
Thank you for the info and advice!
Good advice…my experience on PG is there is usually one target animal be it a kudu, Gemsbok or Sable then other animals like zebra, impala, wart hog or other less cost animals are added for a 5 game package. On the EC you can find quality great outfitters who can deliver this from $4500 to $5500. I recommend being open to other animals of opportunity to be discussed prior to your hunt. Once you get to an Atlanta your flight will be 15 hours if direct to JNB overnight then 1.5 hours to EC. Wishing you the very best!!!
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