We do have a draw system. With the population out here, it's just easy to draw a tag. There are some units that take several preference points, but where I am hunting, I'll typically draw a buck tag 3 out of 4 years. Those years I don't draw a buck, I'll draw a doe as a 2nd choice.Thank you very much! I liked his wide spread as well. I feel it gives him some character.You can just go hunt them with a general tag? You don't need to put in for a draw or anything? That would be awesome! I wonder what would be involved with a non-resident hunting there. I agree with you about them as table fair as well. I have found them to be very good!
With the allocation percentage for non-residents, your odds of drawing are quite good in a lot of units. The issue for most non-residents is land access. Most of eastern Colorado is private land, so permission is required. There are quite a few outfitters that guide for antelope; that would include the access. The other benefit of using some outfitters is bypassing the draw system as they have landowner tags that can be purchased; price is typically higher than through the draw. Permission is usually pretty easy to get, but it does take some effort. Doing it remotely would just add a little to the effort needed.
DIY antelope is pretty easy. Doesn't take a lot of specialized equipment. If you did it up there, you can do it in Colorado. Or Wyoming; pretty easy to get a tag there as well with a lot of public land available.
Applications are due in early April. Everything is done online now at https://cpw.state.co.us/
Not sure when WY applications are due. https://wgfd.wyo.gov/apply-or-buy/