I've spoken on this subject a few times since the incident which took place in 2015. I've held back details for a number of reasons. Quite frankly I'd hoped that this would've been a subject that would have been put to rest by now, but alas a second video of the incident came back out in the last couple of months. A fair amount of speculation is out there now and so it is with some reluctance that I'll respond to this one more time and shed a little more light. Jacques
@AAA Africa Serapa Safaris has had I think one day off from hunting in the last couple of months, which was a couple weeks ago, and won't have another one until at least September. So he is not likely to respond anytime soon to this thread. So, a few more details and/or rehash of what has been known to the best of my ability to recall:
1. This hunt took place in March, 2015. There had been rain and the ranch on which this hunt took place was thick with the growth in cover.
2. Reinhard was not the primary PH. Jacques was the primary. The two clients were that of Reinhard's.
3. There were at least two male lions on the ranch. The two in particular that I'm mentioning were both to be hunted, one by each client. Both of these lions were exhibiting aggressive behavior for not having been provoked.
4. The lion that charged was tracked into thick cover. Jacques had spotted the lion in the cover prior to the charge. The client was on the sticks and being instructed to shoot. For whatever reason which I don't know, the client hesitated to shoot. It was during this hesitation that the lion decided to charge. The lion was NOT wounded prior to the charge.
5. Jacques was able to get off a shot which hit the lion in the shoulder. The lion only had a very small reaction to the shot which you almost need to play the original video in slow motion to see.
6. As mentioned Reinhard did not get a shot off. I don't know why. I have been to two show seasons since this incident, both of which Reinhard was at. Particularly in Dallas, 2016 it was sufficient for me that Reinhard was present, walking and talking. Outside of questions regarding his physical health, I've not asked him any other questions regarding the attack. If you wish to do so, you'll likely be able to find him at the Kwalata Safaris booth at DSC or SCI in a few months. Personally I don't think I would do that, but that is your choice.
7. As mentioned the rifle used is a Ruger in .416 Ruger. The rifle had functioned fine on a number of hunts prior to this and has since. It was used just recently by
@lwaters to take a buffalo at Serapa. Jacques now also has a .470 DR that he carries. To my knowledge he picked up this rifle because it was being offered at a price he couldn't turn down. I've never had the impression nor has Jacques said to me that it had anything to do with this incident.
8. As also mentioned, the ammunition being used was factory loaded Hornady. I'm not sure how one pre-screens all of the ammo taken on a hunt. Shoot a box or two to see how it works, for certain. But once this has happened, what are you supposed to do? Shoot one round out of all future boxes purchased? What good would that do I can't imagine.
@BRICKBURN, the Johan Calitz video you posted has one very important difference. In that video the hunters were following a wounded lion. This of course totally changes the situation. The lion in Jacques/Reinhard hunt while acting aggressive was not wounded. As you know first shots are normally taken off the sticks, and so it was for this hunt.
For personal reasons, I wish this subject would die. It brings back memories of a troubling morning when I first became aware that something had gone wrong on this lion hunt. At first I only had a few details which in some respects is worse than knowing the full story. Having said that, one cannot simply wish history away. And as the saying goes, those who refuse to learn from history are destined to repeat it. There are lessons to be learned.
But lofting criticism at those who were on the ground at that the time and doing so with limited knowledge of the events is something I don't understand.
For those concerned about Reinhard, he has as far as I can tell made at least a nearly complete recovery. I know in 2016, he still had some limitations in movement of I believe it would be in his right arm, but I think that has been worked through in time.