Again, I don’t think you are grasping any of the points I have ever tried to make. To clarify any misunderstanding, not that I should really care at this point, I do recognize a difference between the two and they aren’t the same but. I also recognize the conservation aspect of what you call a “put and take” operation. Also, of what you think my operation is about. They both have their places in conservation but for very different reasons. You are right as a matter of principle I don’t view a DNR’s stocking of sheep back into areas they once were any different than hunting a blackbuck on my ranch (which for the record has a better than average chance of being born on the ranch as opposed to being stocked as a 1 or 2 year old nor do I have any breeding pens) or a Cape buffalo in RSA. All 3 instances are only made possible by the economic value given to them by hunters. No one else in the world foots the bill for the vast majority of wildlife conservation like hunters do. Furthermore, the animals range from their only existence all the way to their ability to remain in existence in wild areas as a result of hunting dollars in every form. That’s a fact Jack. So no I don’t distinguish between the sheep, buffalo, elephants, or a damn Sasquatch. At their root core they exist only because someone somewhere wants to hunt one by some means. I take the very vocal stance that as long as what one is doing is legal then it is none of your damn business how they do it nor do you have an actual right to judge them or belittle them for it. If they are breaking a law, sure go for it. If not, what is it if any consequence to you or anyone else.
What our entire issue between the two of us boils down to is this, and it is quite simple. You have an issue with what I do for a living and what I believe. So be it, I don’t care. Where it actually becomes an issue is when you attempt to force your views and beliefs down mine and others throats and try to proclaim your self as somehow morally superior. I got news for you, I’m not going to roll over. I will stand up for my rights and the right of others 100% of the time. I in no way feel I am superior to you or anyone else but I sure as hell am not going to tolerate self righteous BS as I’ve stated on many occasions. You have the right to your opinion and I respect that but you don’t have the right to belittle others for theirs. That’s where you and I get cross. Just say it for what it is. You disagree with your perception of my views, beliefs, and what you perceive as my business. That’s great, I don’t care. Good on ya but the rest of us don’t need smart ass remarks and snide comments over it. And YES I am guilty of being very snarky and abrasive toward you and others but only when forced to defend what I believe in or in response to someone getting on their soap box and telling the rest of us what trash we are because we dare to have a difference of opinion.
So again, I do wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart and it’s unfortunate you have a personal issue with me that we can’t get past but in the end I promise it won’t effect either of us in the least. I know I’m not going to loose sleep and I certainly hope you don’t either.
On a side note though I’d certainly be glad to buy you a beer sometime and visit with you over this or anything else. I’d also very much enjoy hearing about some of your experiences, you have gotten to do a lot of things that I unfortunately will likely never get to do due to cost and time.
I still won’t budge on standing up for what I believe in though nor will I keep my mouth shut if I feel something is out of line. If that’s a deal breaker oh well I guess.