AH ambassador
A nice ND double with the Thomas Bland, pheasant and hun. Hun numbers were incredible this year.
I’ve got a couple Belgium made very early 12ga A5’s as well as a Remington model 11 in 16ga."Black Beauty"
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Not real pretty but definitely deadly. I probably shot more pheasants this year than most guys will kill in a lifetime. Plus a dozen Huns and a couple of sharptails. And that's just this year.
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The old A5 can't take all the credit though. My current Lab is absolute deadly on uplands. She works close, points, and she's extremely stealthy. Also the "happiest" dog I've ever owned. And I've owned a few.
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And her mentor, 14 year-old "Puppy". Little stinker hunts like a dog half her age. And a cancer survivor too.
Love it Bee. I have the same gun, I have the Briley inserts for all the gauges, but I want to eventually get all the barrels. I do most of my bird hunting with 28 gauge these days.@Challer and I keep looking for a set of Blaser F3 20 bore 28" field barrels, but so far have struck out. Until then, I'll have to suffice with 12 bore 30" barrels. Have to thank my wife for picking out the most beautiful piece of wood in the shop when we picked it up.
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I turned my grandfathers old 870 into my turkey gun this year.I grew up shooting 870s but my favorite is a well balanced O/U with single trigger...
Galazan A-10 Deluxe
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Perazzi MX8 SC-3
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870's have been getting it done for a long time.....
It works, but I would find an expert to do it. JJ Perodeau is my go to gun maker on any double.I also have a fausti o/u but it doesn’t have enough drop to fit me well. I’ve considered trying to bend the stock. Anyone have any experience with that?
Awesome gun. Sold in the US by Golcher around 1888 - crossed pistols and HAL under the barrels. It is proofed for the 1 1/4 ounce 2 7/8 inch load. No. 2 bismuth or soft shot for geese and no. 4 or 6 for ducks. Hits with authority.Oof…that Lindner is fire! I have long wanted a Prussian built Lindner…10 bore hammer gun with Damascus tubes.
That's it. The crossed pistols indicate Prussian build as you know. The 10 ga 2 7/8 is one of the "squarest loads" around. They pattern so well. Some were built for upland use and handle like a proper field gun. I've gotten close but never found the right one yet! Yours looks great.Awesome gun. Sold in the US by Golcher around 1888 - crossed pistols and HAL under the barrels. It is proofed for the 1 1/4 ounce 2 7/8 inch load. No. 2 bismuth or soft shot for geese and no. 4 or 6 for ducks. Hits with authority.