Let’s have some .375 fun

See there Michael. If you would just shoot around those trees, instead of through them, you might not need so much gun....LOL!!!
What, maybe like "Heat Seeking Module in the nose of the Bullet", maybe it senses heat from buffalo, and goes around the tree? Hmmmmmm............ ??? :unsure:............Yeah, maybe.......... but being buffalo they require a hell of a lot more than .375.......... anyway, the Heat Seeking Module would not fit in such a rat ass little caliber anyway.......... No, just keep the 375s where they belong, for rats and now I see they make a dandy little Prairie Pin Dog rifle as well........ and have even been upped to JackRabbits, those things can get big......... I would not push it beyond that however.........
What, maybe like "Heat Seeking Module in the nose of the Bullet", maybe it senses heat from buffalo, and goes around the tree? Hmmmmmm............ ??? :unsure:............Yeah, maybe.......... but being buffalo they require a hell of a lot more than .375.......... anyway, the Heat Seeking Module would not fit in such a rat ass little caliber anyway.......... No, just keep the 375s where they belong, for rats and now I see they make a dandy little Prairie Pin Dog rifle as well........ and have even been upped to JackRabbits, those things can get big......... I would not push it beyond that however.........
I once read that you could end to end a Jack Wabbit with a good 375 Solid. But still somewhat lacking in caliber. Definitely need to stay with a central nervous center hit.
When I've hit a jackrabbit running at 20 yards or less with my 500 I get wet ...

Damara Dik Dik.
Just before leaving for a Zimbabwe Cape buffalo hunt last year, I spent an afternoon with my .375 H&H shooting Richardson’s ground squirrels in a local pasture. I found the old style Federal 300 gr. Round nose cup and core bullets quite effective. Bullet placement did not seem critical.
Don't own 375 but over the years I shot the heads off two grouse with my 30-06 (offhand). The last time was to save my bacon when moose hunting. I was too late coming out of the bush and fairly certain I wouldn't get back to the truck before dark. If I had to spend the night in the woods, I probably wouldn't make it. Had just half a sandwich in my pack to hold me over. That wouldn't be enough even if I could get a fire going. Shooting the grouse freed up the sandwich. Eating it gave me enough energy to get back to the truck. I drove home in a snow storm.
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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.