It’s banquet season again I see. All the regional DSC, SCI, State DNR, DU, NWTF, DW, and other banquets seem to be in the next month.
Like clockwork, the same “win” threads coming up. The “wins” typically fall into a few buckets:
1.) The actual win of something profoundly valuable. Not worth mentioning this because it’s as rare as winning the mult-state powerball. I’ve heard of someone winning a Sheep tag or a Tanzania hunt for all the big-5, but never seen nor read about those on this forum.
2.) The rope your friend into it hunt. Loads of those on the auction block this weekend. Free hunt, but you have to bring a friend. Drumroll, your friend is paying double the market rate.
3.) The free hunt that wasn’t free anyway, but it’s still free but not really at all free provided you hunt a bunch of substandard additional animals off a list (or no list provided?) for double to quadruple market rate. Maybe a bonus of being forced to use their in-house taxidermist at double market rate as well, or pay incredible sums for gun rental and ground transport.
4.) The free hunt that isn’t free, but they have a long list of nearly free to free animals, but the daily rates are so incredibly high you’re paying thousands per day to hunt springbok and the like.
I’ve read a few people’s reports on this forum that love these “Free, but not really free at all” hunts. My favorite one is the “Screw me, I’ll screw you back but harder” approach. This is where you find hunts people bought for huge sums and get them transferred to your name for a hundred bucks or so. Then they go to East Cape or Limpopo and shoot their 1 animal in a day or two, then go to the next ranch and keep doing it, potentially doing three to four different hunts for pennies by exploiting the loopholes. These clients and these operators should interbreed, creating a super-screwer through line breeding.
At any rate, to OP welcome to the forum, glad you’re doing due diligence, and I’m sure we’ll have another two dozen of these posts in the next month because ‘tis the season.