I am embarrassed that I was unaware of Juneteenth. I think this highlights an important gap between the history we were taught as children and history that is relevant to all Americans.
Why would this be embarrassing? Are you a Texan from the Galveston area? (sincere question.. I dont know..)...
Juneteenth is relevant to Texas history, but really has little to do with American history when people look at the facts and the actual history behind the celebrated event..
I know almost nothing about Prince Kuhio day.. but thats a state holiday in Hawaii.. and something that is important to some Hawaiians..
I have no issue at all with people celebrating whatever they want, whenever they want... hell, we even have holidays that have been made up by corporations, personal interest groups, etc.. in this country... national secretarys day get celebrated in all 50 states every year..
My issue is with revisionist history or people trying to make something relevant to a new situation when the reality is, it is not..
A friend I have known for the better part of 30 years, that was in the army the same time I was.. that grew up dirt poor in the southern US.. that is black.. that is also very immersed in black culture... had never heard of Juneteenth until a week ago...
My old partner that I served with as a cop.. was raised in the projects in Memphis, TN... and has lived in a predominantly black neighborhood his entire life (He is 50 years old now).. had never heard of Juneteenth until a week ago...
Both of these guys are educated.. attended universities in NC and TN respectively.. and are very involved in local black communities.. one is a deacon in a large black church.. the other is still a cop that works an almost entirely black ward in a large metro area..
but have never once in their lives before now, ever heard of Juneteenth...
Im not about to be embarrased that I didnt hear about it until last week either..