Jet lag- how do you handle if?

Llano Estacado

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Jul 29, 2023
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Eastern New Mexico
We are headed to Zimbabwe in June, flight from Dallas to Doha, then to Harare to camp. Wondering how best to over come the 8 time zone difference and accompanying jet lag. Anyone have a system? Thanks in advance
Force yourself to stay awake and go to bed at bedtime. Don't let yourself think about what time it is at home, only the timezone you are in. Try to forget that you didn't get enough sleep, power through the day. Keep yourself busy so as to stay awake during the day.
If you can swing it try and book an extra day or two on the front end of camp. I just booked a trip for 2025 to Zim and the outfitter let me book two days of fishing and hanging around camp on the front end of the hunt for only a few hundred a day.
Figure out what the time is at your destination and start doing your best to get your sleep schedule timed with that as soon as you are heading across the Atlantic.

Then follow the above advice from there ;)
You can also do some night hunting in the beginning of your hunt.
Probably too late, but I now plan about 2 nights in Country before my hunt starts to follow the advice of Damonjohnson above and get acclimated. I know we all want to make the most of our time, but i’ve found that I enjoy the hunt more when I’m not dead tired and just trying to get through the day. And the cost of a hotel near the airport and a few meals is way less than day rates in camp. Jet lag is a reality, so plan for it or deal with it.
Force yourself to stay awake and go to bed at bedtime. Don't let yourself think about what time it is at home, only the timezone you are in. Try to forget that you didn't get enough sleep, power through the day. Keep yourself busy so as to stay awake during the day.
This is EXACTLY right. Whatever happens, do not sleep until 930 pm or 10 pm local time. Even a short nap will give you 4 to 5 days jetlag. I've traveled a lot with this method across all sorts of time changes, and it just eliminates it altogether.
I have been over twice, the first time a direct flight from NY but I started my trip the day before I hit NY in Denver. I actually flew from Denver-SLC-NY-Joberg-Port Elizabeth where he had a hotel room for the night. I was 62 on that trip and had zero problems with jet lag on the way over, coming home was a different story. I was wide awake for a extra day once I got home.

The last time was Denver-Dallas-Doha-Joberg-Port Elizabeth with no hotel when got in. Our PH's picked us up and I was ready to go, no jet lag. But once again that trip home was a killer. I was 69 on that trip.


I typically wait until we get to altitude and take an ambien.. that will usually put me down for a solid 8 hours.. I wake up a couple of hours before we get to Doha, watch a movie, and then get off the plane. .

I then repeat the process between Doha and Joberg.. thats a shorter leg.. I normally dont wake up with enough time to watch a movie.. but I'll grab something to eat and drink a bit of water.. and I am ready to go.. wide awake and bushy tailed, ready to go hunt :)

be advised.. ambien and alcohol dont mix.. 1 beer and 1 tablet will have you found in the aircraft toilet wearing nothing but your binos and RYO harness singing your favorite mariah carey tunes.. with zero memory of it when you wake up..

if you get a prescription for ambien DO NOT touch the booze while on the plane! :D
We now book at least one day in Africa to tour or shop before moving to camp. This last year we took two days before safari and went on a hot air balloon.
Right when you wake up and a few before you sleep.

One thing about ambien, is to find out how you react to it before taking it on a trip. I had some prescribed to me after a surgery. The first night I didn't take any but the second night I took a single pill. The whole next day I felt like a zombie wandering around after a full 10 hours sleep. I went outside to talk to my neighbor who was a highway patrolman and he just looked at me and knew that something was going on. He said that my eyes were bouncing all over the place.
I'm in the eastern time zone. I just start living like I'm back on a midnight shift modified a couple hours. In the sack at five p.m., up at one a.m. or later. By the time I get to Africa, I'm on their time.
I have been over twice, the first time a direct flight from NY but I started my trip the day before I hit NY in Denver. I actually flew from Denver-SLC-NY-Joberg-Port Elizabeth where he had a hotel room for the night. I was 62 on that trip and had zero problems with jet lag on the way over, coming home was a different story. I was wide awake for a extra day once I got home.

The last time was Denver-Dallas-Doha-Joberg-Port Elizabeth with no hotel when got in. Our PH's picked us up and I was ready to go, no jet lag. But once again that trip home was a killer. I was 69 on that trip.
I’m kinda the same , flying east bound I am good because I am usually in bed by 8-9 pm CST and Africa is + 7-8 hours
flying west for me is terrible, Alaska -5 hours fishing the pacific - 6-7 hours
9pm Texas 4pm kona ;(
Drink through it, works every time 60% of the time! Plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead!

I typically wait until we get to altitude and take an ambien.. that will usually put me down for a solid 8 hours.. I wake up a couple of hours before we get to Doha, watch a movie, and then get off the plane. .

I then repeat the process between Doha and Joberg.. thats a shorter leg.. I normally dont wake up with enough time to watch a movie.. but I'll grab something to eat and drink a bit of water.. and I am ready to go.. wide awake and bushy tailed, ready to go hunt :)

be advised.. ambien and alcohol dont mix.. 1 beer and 1 tablet will have you found in the aircraft toilet wearing nothing but your binos and RYO harness singing your favorite mariah carey tunes.. with zero memory of it when you wake up..

if you get a prescription for ambien DO NOT touch the booze while on the plane! :D

That was extremely specific description. :unsure:
A lot of coffee once I'm in the lodge. I just tough it out. Like the thirty hour drive to Montana every fall for hunting season. Difference is the lodge's coffee is yumee stuff. North Dakota truck stop coffee is to die for ... literally. Ugh!
As others stated-Always, always book at least 2 days in Africa before your pick up or hunt date. Allows seamless acclimatization to temps, allows your body's clock to adjust and gives you more time in Africa, smell, sounds, feeling and people. Also allows airlines to get your luggage to you if something is misplaced, lost or does not arrive.

Never done a safari without those days and many times it has saved me a possible nightmare. There are many low cost awesome places to stay in and around Joberg so extra costs in money are minimal.


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African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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