Jaguar in Texas

This was probably the only wild jaguar I will ever see. I never even had the opportunity to reach for my phone but the image is engraved in my memory. Those 2-3 seconds were the pinnacle of the trip for me and well worth the price of the cruise. (The wife will argue that point.) I'm blessed for that brief moment

I also think you were blessed for the fleeting moment you were allowed the opportunity to see a jaguar in the wild . . . why is it that our wives are seldom on board to match our excitement with such things? LOL

What a great memory!
I saw that.... Very cool. They say/think it is the only one..... I doubt that. I bet there are more.
Utterly spectacular, I sincerely hope they can gain a foothold and return. A land without its apex predators is no longer wild. I try to imagine British Columbia without its Grizzlies, and it's a sad thought. Same to imagine Africa without the Lion or Leopard. The Jaguar to the southwest is the same.

California, Oregon, and and almost all of Washington lost their apex predator. Fortunately British Columbia is bigger than all three combined but with less than 9% of the population, and we neighbour Alaska, so the future looks alright here. A place like Texas, or Arizona, much smaller and much more densely populated, it's a beautiful and fragile thing to have the apex predator present. It's just a little wilder there now. Bravo.
This could be the answer to the feral hog problem, I hope that jaguar numbers explode into a someday responsibly hunt-able population!
Could be a jaguar.........years and years ago there were jaguars in Texas and Arizona
Can't wait to see how the media twists this into an anti-hunting mission.................

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