Jaguar in Texas


AH enthusiast
Nov 2, 2011
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Odessa, TX
Hunting reports
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Dallas Safari Club, NRA, SCI
United States, Limpopo South Africa
Took the nephew out yesterday on his first hunt ever at my ranch land about 20 miles N.W of Sierra Blanca, TX. We tracked all day and strangely didn't SEE a single Javelina, our prey for the day. Even stranger, I didn't see any sign of coyote as I normally do. Usually when my wife and I hunt the land we see lots of activity with coyote, Javelina, and badger. The number of Prong Horns were definitely increased, but my acreage and my buddies, next door, were almost barren of all! To explain, you leave the highway and travel by 4x4 back about 9 miles higher into the desert mountains and you found my place. The Prong Horn were mostly located closer to the highway. Well after many hours, miles and a great sun burn, no shot or Javelina found. I did however run into the rancher that runs cattle on my place and some of the neighbors. I stopped to say hi and ask if he had seen any of our quarry around. He stated he hasn't seen a coyote or javelina in some time. I explained that last year, which was when I was last out there, I had seen a lot of big cat tracks and assumed a fairly large cougar had hunted them off my place. He and his wife then told me it is no cougar, but rather a very large jaguar! I laughed and they didn't. They went on to explain that it is very big, yellow with spots, and has been seen at my place just last week by them. He said he has been unable to get a shot as the few times they seen it it quickly ran into the brush. I do know that several ranches in the area have gotten game cam pics of them, but never thought on my place! So now I have decided that the .308 will stay home, and when I go out to the ranch the .375 Ruger will be along, and Momma will tote the 12 ga. just for insurance. I don't think it is legal to shoot like a cougar, but I'd rather be judged by 12 rather than carried by 6 if the thing decides I look like a better meal than a javelina! Has anyone else had to deal with a jaguar, and if so, what advise do you have for maintaining game on my place? I look forward to your comments.
Incredibly cool if it is actually a Jaguar.

Get some trail cameras up and determine what is actually is running around the place.

Get some pictures of these cat tracks. Although cats look very similar there are distinct differences between Jaguar, Leopard and Cougar that can be determined by a decent set of tracks.
that sounds pretty cool.......
good luck with it
don't get scratched.........
I think there have been confirmed sightings in AZ, but not aware of any in TX? Not saying there haven't been any trail cam pics, I just haven't heard of them.

Would be very, very rare, and very cool.
Good luck, maybe some game cams and some bait would do the trick. It would be cool to see pics of a Jag.
Good luck, maybe some game cams and some bait would do the trick. It would be cool to see pics of a Jag.

both on a tree camera and on your wall.............
I agree with the trail cam idea for sure! I am planning on going back next weekend and will get pics of pug marks if I find some again. I haven't ever put trail cams up for cats, so if you have suggestions that would be helpful. There are no real trees out there. Large cactus, mesquite, and scrub oak galore. I personally believe it to be hunting the javelina as a primary food source as last year we tracked javelina down a trail, and from some thick cover came cat tracks. They were very large, so we figured a large male cougar. Tracks for both animals terminated at the edge of brush with a large area of ground disturbed. That was last year though. This year not much of anything but some javelina with scat, but far fewer then previously. I don't know much about jaguar as far as territory ranges etc., will be researching this week for sure. Of course, if it were legal, I would be extending an invite to you all to hunt it as I like my game animals in place, lol! Camera trap ideas are definitely appreciated at this point!
:Writing::A Coffee:
Just like a Leopard.
Hang a pig from a height along a known path. ie. Drainage, cover it with brush to keep crows etc off.
Off the ground to keep coyotes from eating it all.
Allow to steep and wait and see.

Use a tall stake if required to mount your trail cam.
sounds neat having something that rare there, but always the catch 22 ....nice to have but it eats/scares away the other animals.........but i would prefer to have it around rather than not being that rare.
Just like a Leopard.
Hang a pig from a height along a known path. ie. Drainage, cover it with brush to keep crows etc off.
Off the ground to keep coyotes from eating it all.
Allow to steep and wait and see.

Use a tall stake if required to mount your trail cam.
I actually considered doing that with a javelina, since it's indigenous to both Texas and South America. I just didn't know if jaguar would eat carrion or not. There is a wash out or old river bed on the property. Usually I find water bottles and footprints there from "undocumented" souls. Man that would be terrible if the jaguar and the "guests" arrived at the same time to dinner! Then again, may make them change the rout up some as well.
sounds neat having something that rare there, but always the catch 22 ....nice to have but it eats/scares away the other animals.........but i would prefer to have it around rather than not being that rare.
I agree. My idea is to get some pics of it, for proof, then pass them on to Texas Parks and Wildlife. Of course I would post them here as well! Africa exclusive! Lol
Wow a different state but this is all I could find.

It says possible year in prison and up to $100,000 fine!
Yeah, I lived in CA for a while working and discovered you CANNOT kill a cougar. In Texas you can kill cougars no sweat, just have to report where it was to TP&W. Since jaguar are endangered, I can't actually shoot the cat with anything more powerful than a 35mm camera. I am hopeful that if I can get pics, then TP&W can track it, transplant it, or otherwise tell me what the hell to do with it. I have been working hard to get mule deer numbers up there, and TP&W has been working to get the prong horn numbers up. That is why I was out to shoot coyotes and a couple of javelina, not that they eat deer of course. Now if I have a jaguar loose out there, then the deer may return to square one as far as slim to none. The only interesting thing is the prong horn have exploded out there. I'm not sure if that is because they stick to open plains where the cat can't really ambush them, or if they just don't like prong horn! Lol... In any case, the only real action I can attempt is get some pics, and go to TP&W with them. Hell, they may tell me to enjoy being the custodian of an endangered predator which is also the 3rd largest cat in the world. Until then, I dunno. It's cool, but it's not at the same time. What would Capstick do?!?!? :E Doh:
In TX it is probably a Montain Lion..... And yes you can kill them. Need to report siting or killing.
In TX it is probably a Montain Lion..... And yes you can kill them. Need to report siting or killing.
That was my initial suspicion. The neighbors are claiming yellow cat with spots, and very large. They say absolutely NOT a cougar, which is why I want to set the camera tracks. I was thinking cougar last year when we found the pug marks all over. The ones who saw the cat say it to be jaguar or leopard. The possibility of a leopard on the loose in West Texas is far slimmer than that of a jaguar as jaguar have been captured on game cameras in the region over the past couple of years. Believe me, I would hope for cougar so I could shoot and mount! Great story for the grandkids of how papaw killed the lion on the ranch! Lol
Yeah.... There have been several reports of black & spotted.... However, nothing substantied. Either way, you can bust them. Just report it. TExas Parks & Wildlife want to know.... Good luck. The one I saw was one the move, and never stopped.
Yeah.... There have been several reports of black & spotted.... However, nothing substantied. Either way, you can bust them. Just report it. TExas Parks & Wildlife want to know.... Good luck. The one I saw was one the move, and never stopped.
Thanks! If you live in West Texas, your welcome to come along and have a look!
I wish..... N. TX.......

Hunted in the trans pecos for years..... Far west hill country for several too. The Mt. Lions are supposedly in every county at this point. That's the rumor. I hear they can cover 50 miles a day.
That sucks your not closer.... I was definitely figuring cougar, but the neighbors and rancher I spoke with said it was no cougar. I myself am not easily won over, so I want to get a pic. I have learned through todays research, that peccary are jaguar's favorite food along with armadillos' and giant ant eaters. That makes sense on the decline of javelina I am seeing, and so on. The prong horn are flushing, so I don't think they are in much danger as they tend to stick to the plains area around me. My place was packed with javelina, coyote, some mule deer, and badger. We would occasionally see elk sign from the park close by, but I have never actually seen an elk there, just track. Yesterday, I could only find signs of javelina and prong horn. Virtually no coyote track, dung, etc. and no sign what so ever of badger. I was telling my nephew how odd it was as I had promised tons of javelina and coyote to break him in. I wanted to thin out the predators to bring back the mule deer which resided all around my place, but not on it. They basically just pass through on the way to the ranch to the West. This is what got me talking to the rancher, aside from offering to help fix his stock tank, and ask where he had been seeing the others. I even asked him if he was certain it wasn't a cougar since I came across all the cat tracks last year. Hell, I even asked friends to help me hunt it since finding the tracks in order to keep the deer around. He was sure, and his wife was almost animated when we spoke about it. They carry a rifle now when out when it was not full time in the truck before. Like I said, I myself have not put eyes on it, but I know these folks and wouldn't think them to exaggerate. The rancher isn't even running his cattle on my place or my buddies now. Strange circumstance, but only a game cam will tell the truth I suppose. If, that is, I'm lucky enough to catch one on one. Reading today online, that is a tricky thing to accomplish. we'll see I guess.......

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