Yes,today we have high power scopes,rifles that shoot a mile and range finders to make sure how far the animal is from us,so we can hit it with some certainty. All of these tools,are exactly just that,tools. How you see fit to use a tool is entirely up to you,nobody is stopping anyone from getting right up close and personal to take the shot even if they have the ability to do it from further away,it's a choice.
Billc,I get your point,but I also believe that if you are in pursuit of one species and come across another and take it,you have hunted. To me it's a opportunity while hunting,just like I will 100% every time take a Lynx if I come across it while hunting something else. Let's say you were after a specific buff and came across another buff that was bigger or more mature,would it then also not be hunting?
The law says you need a PH in Africa,nothing ethical about it to me its a legal requirement. Have seen too many guys in SA being left with a guide on a hunt and not a qualified PH,client may not mind,but it is still illegal.