The US has always had high murder rates. Those would not be cities on my short list as go to destinations. I would be interested to know if it is all new stuff or more an evidence of stability. Milwaukee seems to be newly extra crazy with cheese.
The thing that is worrying about the US, to me, is the collapse of institutions, and the rule of law. A lot of good decisions are coming down at this point, reversing over-reach from the last several years. But it is still something that people need to fight for, in the courts. Most westernn nations don't have a framework for appeals, or the status of their courts that the US does. Poling works pretty much at any scare, in fact, with honnest polls you can predict huge national events with a few thousand interviews. But courts are scale sensitive. You couldn't find any too many Canadians who could name a single justice on the Supreme Court here. It is considered such a prestigious gig that judges leave to sit on European/International courts.
A great show to watch for court case wins, at times, is the Barnes rundown most Sundays. I usually skip the intro, then watch the stuff that interests me. It is one of those deals where patrons get extra content at the end, which is often boring as it consists of people who fell asleep, asking about stuff that was covered in the main show. I am a supporter, but I could just watch it on Rumble.
Starts around 19:00
Another Sunday, another huge week of law insanity.
Helps to know the pill code: Blue is what you take to keep sleeping; Red is the one that jolts you awake into what is really going on; white is feel good news; black is dark news. Kids, can't understand 'em, can't live without 'em.