I just have to join in the fray.
Since Steve is having way too much fun doing a Malema imitation.
Review these pictures for marked similarities. Both appear to have agendas, are outspoken, etc.
Appear to be of the same species
"Homo Sapiens Stiritup Domesticus"
View attachment 13027
View attachment 13028
Where does the assumption/conclusion come from that all the outfitters are being fraudulent or deceptive at all?
Perhaps this hinges on a personal definition of hunting:
"really are..."
For the entertainment of the semantics argument:
The legal definition where I come from:
(o) Hunt means, subject to subsection (6), with reference to a subject animal,
(i) shoot at, harass or worry,
(ii) chase, pursue, follow after or on the trail of, search for, flush, stalk or lie in wait for,
(iii) capture or wilfully injure or kill,
(iv) attempt to capture, injure or kill, or
(v) assist another person to hunt in a manner specified in subclause (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) while that other person is so hunting.
Reads like the folks shooting at, harassing , chasing and pursuing these Lions are actually hunting to me.
Now, the kind of hunting you might like to participate in or support?
Perhaps fraud or deception is a general concern that overseas hunters have about any outfitter. Is
Is the hunter being honest about their expectations of the hunt they are expecting?
Did the hunter actually ask some questions and do some research or just fall in with the general mystical story of a hunt because they wanted to.
Here is another comparison opportunity for you of two lion hunt videos that are very popular.
The hunt in each is a Large entourage out chasing harassing and worrying while attempting to kill said animals.
One is apparently "Wild" and the other "Canned". (My personal conclusion to which you may disagree)
Given that the argument being postulated by Shakari is that Canned hunting provides fodder for the anti hunters:
Which if these two videos do you think is more offensive and distasteful to the Anti Hunter??
Conclusion: Lion gets killed on video.
I think that both are just as offensive to the Anti hunter.
On the note of being open and honest.
"Lion hunting will never be cheap for a client, nor should it be because, if it were, we would lose too many lions and I believe lions are far
more important than client's trophy rooms. Lion management is far from an exact science and the variables, such as when theory comes
into conflict with practicalities, will from time to time manifest themselves but, despite that, we can and must take a responsible
attitude towards managing our wild lion populations so that they will thrive and grow. If we do not then they will surely decline and perish."
Ethical Lion Management in the 21st - Shakari
Along your line of reasoning about "losing too many Lions". Perhaps RSA Lions are removing the hunting pressure on "Wild" Lions (an interesting conservation benefit posited by Aaron Nielson, an addicted Lion hunter himself) Seems to make some sense to me.
Apparently the market forces Shakari hopes would control or reduce Lion hunting access ("Lions hunts should not be cheap") is exactly what created the issue in the first place. The promotion of Lion hunting became so effective it proceeded to create such demand that the price of hunting rose to such an extent that a market opened up for these RSA hunts. No one thought of that result of the marketing efforts to the baby boomers did they?!
As part of a
"responsible attitude regarding our Wild Lion management" perhaps we should ban baited Lion hunts altogether in Africa. Given that many of the Wild Lions are just habituated to constant/consistent feeding by humans (outfitter) and then "hunted" over yet another bait at feeding time by unsuspecting hunters.
Hunting reports where the hunter comes upon the Gemsbok carcass, apparently a Lion kill, when actually it was a Lion feeding site where the camp worker had shot and dragged a Gemsbok. All done in order to keep the Lion pride fed and content so that they remained on the concession until the unsuspecting hunter was able to hunt his Wild Lion.
Is this a deceptive practice or just part of the story of modern hunting in Africa?
Of course I am not in favour of banning hunting altogether. I am in favour of supporting the much more sporting and difficult Walk and Stalk/ tracking style of hunt in the name of proper management and conservation.
This hunt would restrict the number of hunters willing to work that hard and also provide the opportunity for the Lion to escape the concession and end the hunt. True fair chase.
It is easy to manage so the outfitter still makes money. Charge high minimum day rates and a pittance for a trophy fee. The Lion wins the Outfitter wins and the hunters support Wild Lion conservation while having a very challenging hunt. You also don't have to torture hunters with stinky carcasses and hot blinds.
Can you imagine the excitement level of this hunt when you follow that track into some long grass or a thicket?
(An egregious generalization of all hunts that works so well in this type of argument from both sides of the coin, I just had to)
As Jaco just said in the middle of me writing this..... NEXT!