Is Giraffe hunting for me?

He was taken byu daughter with 7mm/08 and 140gr tsx one shot to neck to ground followed by 3 to boiler room on ground that I felt were not needed but the ph wanted to be sure
Great looking animals everyone, I have been considering adding giraffe to my hit list on my next trip to Africa. I will be hunting buffalo and will already have my heavy bow with so would make sence to do it on one trip. Although I am not sure I want to know what the shipping cost would be with a buffalo and giraffe skin weighing it down lol
I agree with you Kal taking one with the bow would be the ultimate ! BBR (bigger bragging rights ) Interestingly the hide on a giraffe is suppose to be thicker than that of an elephants. When I go back it maybe on my todo list (if my Wife says I can ) LOL ?
Hi Rookhawk,

I've never been interested in hunting giraffe but my wife has been after me to sack one for her.
She wants to have a rug made out of it.
The substantial cost of having the giant hide tanned and shipped to Alaska, in and of itself should be enough to put her off but, she still brings it up now and then.

So far, I have been successful in putting her off by taking two zebra to date (although my Brain Trust doesn't herself like to hunt, she likes critter parts and pieces displayed throughout our humble shack).
But, if she insists to the point of my resolve collapsing, I will use a large bore rifle (.416, .458 or .500 Jeffery) because an old stink bull can weigh 3,000 pounds and have 2" or more thick brisket skin.
Their bones look to me as if they are from some heavy dinosaur.

For me personally, 400 grains / .40 caliber would be my minimum, even if I end up going for the high neck shot.
A 7x57 or .308 at the neck/scull juncture reportedly works like magic but, I like the extra insurance of the above combination, just in case I need it.
The thought of travelling willy nilly across hill and dale, with a small bore rifle, trying to finish a wounded 3,000 pound animal does not appeal to me in the slightest.

Stay on that front sight amigo,
Velo Dog.
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I thought the "perfect" shot was when you were trying to hit it in the ass on the third shot and hit it in the back of the head instead... :A Worshipl:

I've done that shot! ;)
Bill's giraffe video was quite the laugh. Not sure how many times Pieter had already watched it when he showed me but he was still laughing at it himself. :)
I used the neck shot with 375 H&H. As said already dropped like he was hit by lightning. Truely one of my favorite animals and cannot wait to get my floor pedistal home(waiting on permits for shipping). Unbelievably big on the ground and nothing is going to waste in Africa. A full days work for 3 guys to dress and process.
^^^ I would have paid a lot of money to have seen that in person!!!!
Could be a new spin for Paw Print "Hunt with Bill". No ammo required just spare underpants cause you'll piss yourself laughing:)
LOL I am glad everyone has enjoyed my pain. It was funny when I saw how bad it looked on the video for me. Still nothing beats jan coming out of the pond with the duiker on his shoulders in his tighty whites. I can tell everyone we had a blast and laughed at all the dumb stuff we did on the trip. We laughed at each other and ourselves.

The billc pawprint tour is coming soon as in aug of 2016. I maybe looking for a few victims to join in the fun on that trip.
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Great post - I have been considering myself. What's the cost of having one tanned? I think I the cost of the tanning would probably be significantly more...

relive gets 1750 for tanning full hide. Cost me 600 for the backskin to be tanned which is about half the body hide wise.
in 2010
swiftdipp ,in limpoppo
done my sons giraffe flat skin tanned and packed 780 us (whole cape including face)
this last year
karoo is doing the back skin of my wifes giraffe 750 us , but are making a hand bag as well ....
and the floor pedastel with a wooden base for 2450 us , just shy of half the price we were quoted by our dermist in oz ....
Don't worry Bill we had a good laugh at Jan too. "This is Africa" became the catch phrase for our trip. Ha ha
I think Bryson will take his with the new 458 Lott. That should put him down!
Tanning cape here is around 1500 but odds are if not tanned in Africa there will be slippage where the hide is folded. Better to tan there if doing shoulder mount.
There it was around 950 for cape
There it was around 950 for cape

gday BMD if I can so rude to ask
how much was the taxidermy on your daughters , bueatiful floor pedastel mount ?
in America
and that was with the cape tanned in Africa ?
I always ask a client, where do you shoot a giraffe? They usually answer shoulder....I always answer as close to the road as possible......
and that was with the cape tanned in Africa ?

The form was like 1300 by itself w/shipping and 50 for eyes and there is a lot of work to be done with African tans, used over 5 gallons of glue, giraffes are no cheap mount.

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.