Hi Rookhawk,
I've never been interested in hunting giraffe but my wife has been after me to sack one for her.
She wants to have a rug made out of it.
The substantial cost of having the giant hide tanned and shipped to Alaska, in and of itself should be enough to put her off but, she still brings it up now and then.
So far, I have been successful in putting her off by taking two zebra to date (although my Brain Trust doesn't herself like to hunt, she likes critter parts and pieces displayed throughout our humble shack).
But, if she insists to the point of my resolve collapsing, I will use a large bore rifle (.416, .458 or .500 Jeffery) because an old stink bull can weigh 3,000 pounds and have 2" or more thick brisket skin.
Their bones look to me as if they are from some heavy dinosaur.
For me personally, 400 grains / .40 caliber would be my minimum, even if I end up going for the high neck shot.
A 7x57 or .308 at the neck/scull juncture reportedly works like magic but, I like the extra insurance of the above combination, just in case I need it.
The thought of travelling willy nilly across hill and dale, with a small bore rifle, trying to finish a wounded 3,000 pound animal does not appeal to me in the slightest.
Stay on that front sight amigo,
Velo Dog.