Please pardon me for having a say from a non-American, but I watch the politics of your incredibly beautiful country with fascination and maybe a different perspective would be useful. You are a very diverse country, everyone can have a viewpoint and express it. Thats almost unique in the world and the first ingredient of what you are seeing now. Second ingredient is social media and its ability to link people of like views, and give them vent. So it is like a pot of little zones of different ingredients that have all been existing next to each other. The third ingredient - along comes Donald Trump who stirs the pot vigorously, and a few other catalysts like George Floyd, and the whole pot mixes and bubbles. Little puffs of steam let off all over the place. Ironically, this is not war in the making, this is pressure release! All societies need it, but few are designed to facilitate it as well as yours is. What happens next is going to surprise you, just in my opinion of course, but it is happening right now for all to see. The voice of reason will consolidate, blacks, white, Hispanic, whoever, and counter the craziness. Its a new alliance of sensibility, the solid foundation of the stable nation. Of course the fringes will still be there, venting their frustrations, looting, burning, but really it is fairly minor and it will spend itself.
In summary, the reason there won't be a civil war is because the momentum gets relieved an spent in your system well before the critical mass is reached. Perhaps some new parties will be formed, like the Socialists, the Anarchists etc for the fringes to find a club to cling to and express themselves.
Was the stirring of the pot good? In my humble opinion it was indeed, and necessary. Watch things settle down domestically as the USA faces the really big global challenges that are on the horizon.