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So Drone strikes are the only solution! LolDiving into the tax code can indeed be quite laborious IdaRam, and I will hasten to say that I am not qualified to do it comprehensively.
I am not indicting business/corporations, and I am actually not criticizing them for taking advantage of every existing legal mechanism to lower their tax liability. As long as they comply with the IRS they are entirely fine by me. They did not vote the laws, a Congress assembled from people WE elected did.
I am also not criticizing “Obama Care.” However imperfect (major understatement!), it initiated a needed effort to attempt to rein in the completely out of control costs of our medical system. Had it been a bi-partisan effort, that effort might have resulted in something truly useful. The partisan circus that presided over that saga only served to kick the can down the road. Not very productive...
The point that I am trying to make is simple. As stated above, I see a growing social unbalance when our largest corporations pay no income tax on $79 billion in profits while off shoring said profits, and receive $4.3 billion in rebates on investments they make outside of the country, transferring our technology and industrial basis out in the process, while the local welding shop or family restaurant pay taxes on their profits, and John Doe Public's income tax burden increases. Shifting the burden of funding society/government on the diminishing group alone of citizens and small businesses sandwiched between the 44% of Americans who do not pay any federal income tax, and the business/corporations/finances who also do not pay any federal income tax, and their elites who pay capital gain taxes at half the rate John Doe Public is paying, is not healthy for a society. It has proven socially unsustainable time and again, and I suspect that it is in the process of causing the rise of protectionist and nationalist aspirations here and in various Western societies that are essentially hitched to our economic and cultural engine. Historically, these are not very productive trends...
In ultra simplistic words, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and there will progressively be nobody left between the "1%" and the "99%" as the middle class slowly but surely melts into the rank of the lower economic class. How long do you think the "1%" or "3%" or "5%" and their political figures will retain control in a 'one person/one vote' democracy? And is this a desirable outcome for America?
The pie is growing, but everyone's share is shrinking, in both proportional and absolute terms, but for one group who wants it all. Not a very sound basis for long term harmony in the clan...
In any case I do not pretend to have the answers, I am just observing that for the first time in American history self avowed "socialists" are parading at the head of the democratic party primaries process. This is new. And my sense is that economic disparity is what is putting them there.
But these discussions are quite honestly not the reason why I roam about AfricaHunting.com. Nobody forced me into this thread, it was my choice alone, and it is now also my choice alone to go back to more relaxing threads on rifles, bullets, etc.
Disclaimer: for any one super sensitive I am not advocating Drone Strikes nor do I own a drone capable of conducting such operations.