They are a nice rifle, but IMO, neither the current Mauser 98 or the current base Rigby Big Game are worth what they are asking for them, $15,000, just don't see it. You can have one of the best makers in the US build exactly what you desire for a few thousand more and end up with a way nicer functional work of art, it will just take some time. The other thing to consider for value is that they kinda are propping back up the Rigby name, and there are going to be a lot of those "big game" rifles on the used market at some point for 8-10k, and thats about what their real value is. These new production "semi custom" guns are simply not going to hold their value like the old ones, and they don't have near the character. They just took 2 price increases in the last 3 years, as did everyone, but not nearly as much as all the brands in this family of companies. You used to be able to buy the Rigby 416 big game in 2018, 2019 for 10-11ish, that was a fair deal. Rigby, Blaser, Mauser, all owned by the same guy are experimenting right now with how much they can charge for their guns. If "brand name" is important to you they are all good brands and recognizable in camp. The dead giveaway on the cheapening of their processes is in the wood, really look at the inletting around bottom metal and barrel channel, fit, finish, checkering......not even close to a 15k custom.