This thread is already drifting a bit.Red leg, nice bag of specks! One of the reasons I got out of my Mississippi duck lease was a couple of younger hunters wanted to shoot group limits, shoot at any duck or goose that flew by and every once in awhile they would scratch one down it would reinforce this behavior. They would walk out with a few shovelers and scaup and I would leave with mallards, pintail, gadwall and widgeon. I think a lot of waterfowling is going in this direction. Outfitters pushing clients to shoot farther and mixing client groups. I also worked as a guide at times in South Louisiana in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Sort of off thread , sorry.

70 - 74 I guided for the Chateau Charles guide service. We hunted Johnson's Bayou which was salt marsh not far from the Texas border. In those ancient days, pintail were a ten-point bird and it was not a rare thing to come in with thirty of them if my sports could shoot and the weather was right. Was going to McNeese and had afternoon or evening classes in the fall (many of which I am pretty sure I slept through.) On more than one weekend, would be up at 0300, meet my sports for breakfast at 0400, back in camp by 1100, change in the parking lot on campus a little before 1300, pick up my date around 1900, drop her back off around midnight and back at the club at 0400. I wouldn't last a single day at that pace now.