…Im much more into the idea that you do what you want, I'll do what I want.. and as long as you doing what you want doesn't negatively impact me, I'll do my best to make sure what Im doing doesn't negatively impact you..“Ive never smoked cigarettes (although I have smoked a pipe at one time, and used to be very into cigars years ago)..
that said.. if we condemned everyone that had a habit or a hobby that we didn't like.. we'd all be fucked sooner or later...
Im much more into the idea that you do what you want, I'll do what I want.. and as long as you doing what you want doesn't negatively impact me, I'll do my best to make sure what Im doing doesn't negatively impact you..
We don't allow smoking in restaurants any longer.. we don't allow smoking on aircraft.. or city buses.. or in most buildings.. etc..etc..
its been a very long time since I've been bothered by someone else's cigarette smoke.. and on the very rare occurrence where it has happened over the last 40+ years since smoking has largely become unpopular in the US, its been pretty easy for me just to move a few feet away and no longer be bothered..
I guess I'd ask, what if someone tomorrow declares you never be allowed to have a fine wine because alcoholism has robbed them of too many people.. and people sweating out alcohol the next morning stink... or you can never eat another hostess product because Americans are fat asses and too many people are dying from diabetes.. and fat sweaty people stink.. or that you not be allowed to hunt deer anymore because too many women are crying at home while their husbands go missing for weeks at a time during hunting season, etc..etc.. would you concede? or tell them to pound sand?
Maybe my Indian neighbors should be banned from cooking their currie dishes? the women are starting to get a little portly over there, and if you've ever smelled an indian that's been eating currie every day for a week.. holy shit do they stink!
Were I a smoker (Im not) and anyone told me to "stop".. I'd very likely fire one up immediately and then start chain smoking until you finally got frustrated and left..
Im grown.. if I choose to destroy my body with cigarettes, whiskey, too much fatty red meat, or anything else.. and Im not infringing on your rights in the process.. I'd prefer that you not try to infringe on my rights because you feel inconvenienced in my execution of them..
People need to stop any bad habits they might have because THEY have a desire to stop.. not because anyone else wants them to stop..
thats the way it works