The moment we get on here and criticize their business and practice, on how is not hunting, and what not, we are telling them. Again, if you don't like it don't do it. Very simple. But don't be another voice for the anti-group by criticizing the practice, especially when it's legal in that particular country.
Now, please tell me how shooting a leopard or lion from a blind on a bait pile is consider hunting???? If you want to get technical about it, that to me is more like shooting, than hunting. The PH knows the pattern of the animal, I'm sure they are on camera, and what not. BTW, I don't criticize their practice, if that is what they want to do, by all means do it. But I'm not going to sit here behind my keyboard and rip them apart by saying how their practice is this and is that.
The antis make a big deal about lions because they know they can sell their scam by saying how cute, and adorable they are. The day the antis come after the deer, dove, quail, turkey, and everything they can think of, it will be too late for our sport.
Do you have an issue because the animal is raised in captivity to be later released and shot. Well, then let's criticize everyone who is in the business of raising pheasant, quail, deer, bison, etc, to be released to later be shot. We don't hear about this because the antis know it doesn't sell. Look at all the commercials about elephants, snow leopards, Bengal Tigers, how they are being slaughter, blah, blah, blah. The left knows how they can touch those soft hearts by feeding and manipulating misinformation. BTW, if you haven't noticed, the leopard is next.
You are entitled to your opinion, the same way I am, and we will probably never look at it the same way. But criticizing and pointing fingers and saying that is not hunting, in a public forum is not healthy. If you don't agree with the practice, move on, turn the page.