Sorry have been too busy to reply. I believe archery equipment of any kind is inappropriate for DG for a number of reasons.I'm not sure the implication is any different? Inappropriate in what specific regard?
Regardless, I respectfully disagree based on my 40+ years of bowhunting and taking multiple DG species in several continents...
What evidence are you using to base this assumption? The PH will likely have to step in about 50% of the time regardless of the weapon.. Unfortunately, statistics for frequency of this occurring in rifle vs. bowhunting do not exist... Anyone's opinion on this, including mine, is anecdotally based..
I'd wager that the frequency for the necessity of a follow-up rifle shot on a wounded DG animal is much more dependent on the hunter's experience and proficiency rather than the weapon used.. If anything, it's been my experience that bowhunters, by and large, are much more competent, confident, and practiced with their equipment comparatively to rifle hunters simply because proficiency with a vertical bow is much more difficult to attain than with a rifle.
Furthermore, a crossbow (no disrespect to crossbow hunters) is not the same as a vertical bow by any measure.. Any modern crossbow set up properly is just as accurate and consistent as a rifle out to 100 yards..
You are practically necessitating the intervention of the PH. Personally I would not find it very fulfilling to have someone shoot my animal for me. If I can help it..
You essentially have a single shot to get the job done with virtually no hope of a follow up shot.
You are for all intents and purposes unarmed (and even more of a liability) after that single shot and of no use to anyone. I am not delusional thinking I’m going to stop charges but there are instances where clients have had to step up to the plate. You can’t do that with a pointy stick in your hand and someone could be seriously hurt because of that. Or worse. Granted that’s IF your PH wants you involved in the first place.
You don’t have the potentially life-saving option of a CNS shot.
And so on and so forth….