AH ambassador
maybe.... I dont think he has any strength of his convictions. He works on political expediency.Senator Joe Manchin - D. WV
maybe.... I dont think he has any strength of his convictions. He works on political expediency.Senator Joe Manchin - D. WV
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I have posted these before, however it seems to fit here again.
Justin Trudeau is the most dangerous person in Canada today.
Just remember they don’t have room to jail 2.2 million firearms owners. They only win if you give them up.
Keep trying the dialogue. The "playbook" references are always the best ones - intimating the vast international conspiracy to achieve world communism. It is always much easier than actually discussing an issue where facts may be confusing or informed opinion may be intimidating.Gee. I guess I was wrong then. We should definitely substitute name calling (‘commie’) for reasoned discussion. I will try to do better in the new year.
I believe its common knowledge that she allegedly had an affair with ol Fidel.Did his mother visit Cuba?....and anyone requested a DNA test yet?......
I am a bit more optimistic than that LOL, I dont think they will be able to get very much on their wish list done, not without a fight anyway. We wont know until they try though.
2020 has significantly lessened my faith in the American people especially in regard to standing up for the rights we have here...but all the same...good luck to themThey keep trying,,, wont be too long and the same stupid attempts will be made here. It will be harder as we have more roadblocks but they will try some workaround, like "mandatory buybacks"! What an idiotic proposition.
@Cam Moon, belive me, I’m not happy with the way things are right now either. I’m from the West, and made my living in the energy business. Trudeau has been a disaster for the West and a vital industry in the short term, and I have no doubt will be for the entire country in the long term.@Hank2211 First off, I would like to say that I like that you are a proud Canadian and will stand up when you feel our country is getting put down. I tend to do the same thing. However, I'm not really happy with how things are right now, and tend to agree with @MarkB in his last post. Trudeau has far overstepped the boundaries, and I feel my country that I've always loved is headed down a road I certainly don't want to see it going down. I think that's all that @Thumper Mcgee was getting at, and using "commie" more as a figure of speech than anything, and not meaning it as an insult to the citizens of our country. Commie Canada is a term that many use to build awareness to some of the atrocities that we are facing.
I agree completely with your view of the US. I believe I may have said this elsewhere here, but I think your founding fathers were incredibly astute in creating an institution which manages both representation by population and the protection of regional interests. And that’s only one aspect of your political system I envy!I think I can agree with most of your points Hank. While what happens "up there" may not seem like any of my beeswax, my daughter married one of your lot and she has a child as well, my grand daughter, so I do pay attention to what goes on in Canada.
As far as the name calling, "I plead guilty to that", its counterproductive but I still succumb, its just too easy and often fun!
As far as the gun thing goes, our system being somewhat different from yours, being a Representative Republic and not meant to be a so called democracy, which is basically mob rule, kicking out our Bill of Rights is just not going to happen, certainly not in my lifetime if ever.
A good example is the electoral college system of voting for President. Doesnt matter how many folks vote for a candidate, what matters is the states and how many EC votes they have. The Founders were brilliant in this regard as it gives all states if not equal power, certainly it keeps the two coasts and a few large population areas, like Cal and NY from telling the whole country how its going to be. So called flyover country is well represented as it should be.
Last election for President 2016, before the current debacle still being sorted, looking at a map of the US was almost a sea of red from coast to coast and blue on the coasts and in the big cities of nearly all states. But red prevailed and there wasnt enough idiots in the blue areas to overcome the red. Sadly it appears that may not be the case this time around though personally I am not at all convinced that it was a legit election, but we may never know since no courts were even willing to have a look at it, no balls, and I include SCOTUS in that.
Commies is probably not the right word to use there or here, but certainly socialism is rearing its ugly head in both places. And I forget who said it first but I agree with it,,,,, "socialism is just lubricated communism".
Thanks Bob. That is really interesting on a number of fronts. I particularly like the idea of a political party focused on rural and other issues. We still have sufficinet rural population in Canada that such a party could well end up with enough seats to hold a balance of power in a minority situation (like we find ourselves in now - except that it’s the socialists who hold the balance of power and keep the Liberals in office).As I said in an earlier post Australia went thru the same thing as you are now facing in 1996.
As far as I know none of my weapons have assaulted anyone unless they did it without my knowledge.
Joe public no matter how misguided will believe bullshit if enough of it is thrown it will stick. To them they see war movies and put one and one together and come up with 3. They equate AR type platforms as a military weapon of war not something that can be used for hunting. All rifles thru time have suffered a similar fate, even the SMLE 303 suffered in Australia at one time.
Yes sporting arms have made great leaps and bounds thru military technology but in reality do we really need a 20 to 30 shot semi-automatic rifle to hunt game.
I can hear the howls of protest and gnashing of teeth and people wanting to tear me limb from limb.
Yes they are fun and I do miss mine a bit but I was never really able to use it to its full potential.
Companies have spent millions of dollars developing these wonderful rifles to the point of they will often out shoot a bolt gun in accuracy and don't want to loose this business. Yes thousands of these rifles are owned by hunters but do they really need them for hunting.
In Australia we have adapted to strict licencing laws and not being able to have semi auto weapons. We now have a larger shooting and hunting fraternity than ever before. We have our own political party called the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party that is a fairly powerful and popular political party to protect and prosper our sport to the dislike of the greenies.
We have opened up millions of acres of Forrest that had previously not been available to hunters, co operate in cull programs and with our SSAA we have a farmer assist program that allows hunters to help farmers with eradication programs of feral animals.
Yes we lost the use of semi-automatic rifles but came back bigger than before with far more opportunities thru a united front. So instead of name calling and bitching about the position you are now in stand up and be counted as a UNITED FRONT. You may have to concede a couple of points but come back better off like we did.
These are just my thoughts and I hope I have given you something to think about.
Yes I do like semi autos but I love my hunting more. So i chose hunting
@Cam Moon@Bob Nelson 35Whelen Just a bit of information for you regarding gun laws in Canada. Center fire rifles are limited to a five shot capacity. So we don't have AR-15s that can shoot 20 or 30 rounds. But yet that style of rifle are the ones that are being targeted. It's not due to their functionality.... it's due solely to their appearance. Anything that is black, composite, and has a military look to it appears to be what they are targeting to ban. Another note is that in Canada the AR-15 and similar rifles were already classed as prohibited. That means that they cannot be hunted with. They are to be stored at home under lock and key, and can only be used at a government designated firing range. You also need the proper paperwork to transport said firearm to and from the range, and it must be locked during transport as well. There are several safe storage laws that are enforced here. Personally, I don't have an issue with the laws regarding safe storage. On another note, I wouldn't be able to hunt with an AR-15 even if it wasn't restricted because it is too small of a caliber. Granted, this law isn't the same Canada wide, but the provinces that have restrictions don't vary by much. (6mm, .23 ,.24)
But yet we have a prime minister that speaks to the public and says things like "You don't need an AR 15 to take down a deer." Well no shit Sherlock! And we don't. We aren't allowed to. So is he so ignorant that he makes backroom legal legislation/laws without even knowing what the existing laws are? (This was pushed through by order of council, which may not be technically illegal, is certainly very underhanded and unscrupulous. "Dirty" may be the best word for it. Unfortunately , the general public doesn't know any better and go along with it because most tend to agree that you don't need a bloody machine gun to hunt deer!!!! And that is what the uninformed population believes is what is being banned. Many believe that they are full auto that can shoot hundreds of rounds in mere seconds! Others know that such a firearm is prohibited to own in Canada. If it has a wood stalk and a blued barrel it must be safe, but an identical firearm with a synthetic stock and aftermarket rail is an atrocity that is putting our public in immediate danger! Everyone's safety is at risk because Joe Blow target shooter owns an AR-15 that he keeps in his house, locked up in a safe, with a trigger lock on it as well, and keeps his ammunition locked up separately. Wow.
@Hank2211Thanks Bob. That is really interesting on a number of fronts. I particularly like the idea of a political party focused on rural and other issues. We still have sufficinet rural population in Canada that such a party could well end up with enough seats to hold a balance of power in a minority situation (like we find ourselves in now - except that it’s the socialists who hold the balance of power and keep the Liberals in office).