I found one! BRNO ZKK-601 .308


AH senior member
Jun 23, 2019
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I found this little gem on the used rack at a local outfitter yesterday. 1980 ZKK-601 with the Zeiss ZF4.S 4x30. Mint, hardly a mark on it, set trigger, .308win. They said it was a safe queen that someone had traded in, and they wanted $350 for what you see here. I couldn’t fill out the paperwork fast enough.

Jwood1284, you should be arrested for theft, or maybe grand larceny. All joking aside, "finds" like that don't come around too often. Where is that store located???
Nichols Outfitters - Birmingham, AL. They have a relatively small used gun rack, but being a high end store, they get interesting trades every now and then. I was expecting it to be upwards of $600, but it wasn’t...

ill pay you $400 right now!


congrats on an AWESOME find!
Let's put it this way, you paid for the scope and got the rifle for free. $600.00 who are you kidding. $900 - a grand would have been more like it.
Let's put it this way, you paid for the scope and got the rifle for free. $600.00 who are you kidding. $900 - a grand would have been more like it.
Nice buy! I bought a CZ Safari magnum in 416 Rigby once oit of a gunstore that probably never sold anything bigger than 30-06. Got two boxes of federal premium with it for a bit over 600 bucks! A guy feels pretty criminal when you pull something like that off!
restock it and replace the trigger and you will have a decent rifle.
oh and rebarrel to 284 win.
Nichols Outfitters - Birmingham, AL. They have a relatively small used gun rack, but being a high end store, they get interesting trades every now and then. I was expecting it to be upwards of $600, but it wasn’t...

View attachment 310423
GEAUX Tigers!

‘But congrats on the rifle.
Congrats on a great find. Try the trigger before you replace it. Mine is fantastic, I really like it.
Wow, great buy! I live 45 minutes out of BIRMINGHAM and had never heard of Nichols, embarrassing!
restock it and replace the trigger and you will have a decent rifle.
oh and rebarrel to 284 win.
Throw in a 3-position M70 style wing safety and you are there.
Except for that little bit about a 284W...;)
Throw in a 3-position M70 style wing safety and you are there.
Except for that little bit about a 284W...;)
restock it and replace the trigger and you will have a decent rifle.
oh and rebarrel to 284 win.
So basically you got yourself a nice receiver and bolt. The rest need replacing. LOL. :D :D :D
Great find. I’ve found 3/4 of my CZ’s on used racks for $600 or less. Never as good as you’ve found, though!
in cold hard fact, what is a brno 600 action?
with a m70 type safety and a decent trigger added, it is a m70 win with mauser breeching.
like a Dakota or at least 2 other other brands.
Winchester, Dakota, and the others all come with good stock design.
where is this heading:unsure:

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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.