Greetings fisherofmen,
Khomas Highland Hunting and Fishing Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.
You might get over to Africa yet.
Boast not of tomorrow, for no man noeth what a day may bring forth.
Since childhood, I have been fascinated with fish and wildlife, to include the bagging and eating of same.
In my early teens, I began a life long fascination with vintage firearms, wooden fly rods and vintage archery tackle.
Clear up through my 40’s, not once did I figure on actually being able to hunt (and fish) in Africa, not in my wildest dreams.
Then, as I hit my early 50’s and had seen more than one or two co-workers killed in the line of duty, I decided life is too short to spend it just tramping the local woods and worse yet, in front of a television.
So, I took out a credit union loan and booked my first trip to Africa.
It was so life changing for me that, I sold off almost all of my toys, boat, gun collection, and almost everything I had surrounded myself with that wasn’t absolutely essential, to pay off that loan and start my “return to Africa” savings account.
I hope something like that works out for you as well.
If not, I’m glad you joined us here anyway.
And, I shall look forward to your hunting and fishing posts, wherever you go for that, and as you have time to submit them.
Best Regards,
Velo Dog.