How will the looting in Durban impact SA hunting?


AH fanatic
May 17, 2021
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Six continents
The videos coming through are pretty bad - citizens shooting at the looters/rioters. Any insight? I have a hunt in tow months
It will scare hunters into asking whether they should get on a plane or not.

Where are you hunting?
Are you planning on touring Durban? (Honest question)

"July 12, 202110:54 AM MDTLast Updated 23 minutes ago

South Africa deploys army to quell unrest linked to Zuma jailing"

“The South African National Defence Force has commenced with pre-deployment processes and procedures in line with a request for assistance received … to assist law enforcement agencies deployed in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces respectively to quell the unrest that has gripped both Provinces in the last few days,” South African military said in a statement on Monday.

Stay the hell out of downtown JNB and DURBAN.
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Right now I'd say little to no impact if youre hunting somewhere other than the KWZ.. The PH/Outfitter should know where the hot spots are in the cities where you'd fly into and know how to avoid them..

2 months from now... who knows.. it could all be a thing of the past by then... or the whole country might be in a state of chaos..
Gents it is not restricted to KZN.....Gauteng is just as bad and it is spreading...unless harsh and desive action is taken it will not be pleasant to travel by road...
Dang, so sorry to read this stuff..

Hope you folks over there stay safe and healthy.
It looks pretty iffy for you potential honeymooners to head to S.A. in the near future.
Glock 357 sig, SW and 9 shot FN auto 5 are not in the safe....bulletproof with ceramic plates ready...
@IvW , are you in an area close to the chaos/problems?
It wouldn't impact me, but I suspect when compounded with COVID, it is going to harm the industry to some degree. A real shame.
This shit is potentially devestating to the entire country and is a bigger threat than covid.....constant issues coming through on community channels here.....
If the military and saps do not clamp down tonight and tomorrow we are infor a rough ride.....
My daughter was supposed to fly back from Botswana tomorrow we cancelled that and she will stay there for now.....
Best of luck, and keep your head on a swivel.

What a way to address the damage from covid. Steal what they can grab and burn down the rest.
Speach was not very strong with decisive action just more blah blah blah no decisive action......almost an hr past curfew and they just carry on.....more gunshot reports coming through....
Best of luck, and keep your head on a swivel.

What a way to address the damage from covid. Steal what they can grab and burn down the rest.
Yip but that is Africa for you, steal, destroy and burn....
Good luck to all of you in the hunting business in S.A. I think it is safe to say that all of we Americans that follow this forum and have or will travel to S.A to hunt wish all this BS we have been putting up with for the past 18 months would end. It seems that every day something new occurs that complicates many of our lives financially or otherwise.
Despite the rather negative posts you are receiving from some South Africans on this thread this will all be over pretty quickly and I am sure by today the military and police will start getting the situation under control. There are certain hotspots in the country and your outfitters will know where those are over the next few days

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