How did you get your handle or user name?

My first and middle initials and last name…

I’m neither a doctor (md) nor do I hail from the midwest as some people seem to believe :D
Nothing special, my true name (as so many with same name) plus - my hobby, makes my nick on the forum
Mine was just sort of an afterthought, because back when I joined, the screen name, “Aardvark”, was already taken by someone.
But soon thereafter, that person promptly disappeared from the forum.

I am fond of antique firearms.
The Velo Dog revolver and all of its variants are somewhat collectible.
The full model designation was “Velocipede Anti-Dog”.
“Velocipede” was what bicycles were called well over 100 years ago.
Cars were not invented yet or if they were, they were at the least, not very common.
Bicycles however, were very common and stray dogs (including mean ones) were also very common, in large European cities back in those days.

That said, I sadly have never owned one of those tiny revolvers.

Beginning in the first grade of elementary school, the other children began calling me “Aardvark”, due to my last name being Ard.
That monicker has stayed with me to this day, amongst my friends.
By now I’ve become accustomed to “Velo Dog” here within the AH forum and so, that’s all there is to that.

Blah blah blah Zzzzzzz.:ROFLMAO:
I am an old man with an even older gun. I had dreamed of owning a Mannlicher Schoenauer for over 40 years. But I didn’t want one of the newer models as they just didn’t fit me right. For me a still hunter, fit is everything. The first time I picked up that model 1905 it fit me like a glove. It was like the first time I held my wife of 44 years in my arms. I knew I had to have them. The other bonus was I love the 35 caliber and the 9x56 ms checked that box also. Then I found this site of like minded hunters. Just feels right.
Also, drive a white pickup truck.

They are the most camouflaged vehicle in the world!
Go park it at the Garden City airport on a busy day and it will indeed blend in with all the other white pickups;) Definitely the most popular vehicle in feedlot country:)
I've been accused of taking action, and risks, in business. As things progress and I age I like the risk less but the actions are easier as the business is of greater scale. Because of earlier actions.

I also believe the Good Lord puts opportunities in front of us but it is up to us to take action.
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We ride BMW motorcycles and when we were in New England on a trip a guy called it a beemaa.

We laughed about it and then I started using as a screen name on a motorcycle forum. Keeping it simple means using the same one here.

Our 2006 GSA sidecar rig with the BEEMAA plates and Mr Happy in sunglasses. We were on a trip to Sedalia, MO for a rally.
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(I dress in camo. I’m a dude & some friends call me Jay)
It started at a coveted invitation only Halloween party back in the early 2000’s where it was required to have a nickname & wear a costume. I needed to get into this party, it was the talk of the town, wild, extremely well designed and catered top notch. I didn’t have either, went home, put on my hunting clothes, spread fake blood on me & the host named me “CamoManJ”. Helluva crazy party, it went on for several years, great memories. I’ve carried this handle ever since to various hunting forums and organizations.
Or “Bronze” which is what the troglodytes at Starbucks write on my cup when I tell them my name is “Franz”…
Next time tell the barrista your name is "Buck". See if he switches the letters on that one. :D
Last name starts with K and I’m from Texas. Chopped both words up and put them back together. Thought it sounded cool at the time.
Here all this time I thought your moniker implied you soak up a lot of blood. I guess that works too?
Cartoon show in the early 90's that my boys liked - Called "Catdog", but I don't like cats so I changed to Dogcat....
Yes, I know, it makes no sense....

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?