How concerned should I be?

Gotta say, I find it hard to believe the govt would increase trophy "fees" during the height of hunting season. But hey, it is Africa where government policies rarely make sense. :D
I have been reading both threads with this theme. I hope it all works out to everyone's satisfaction and the hunts are enjoyed for all involved. Personally, I try to avoid outfitters with no skin in the game. I prefer owner/outfitter, owner/PH, owner/guide, family owned and operated, etc. When issues arrive, and they will, because or life, cultural differences, governments, red tape, bad employees. inflation, etc. Get mad in private and get over it. Approach the issue calmly and in a professional manner. Courtesy costs nothing. If Plan A isn't working there are 25 other letters to make a new plan. If none of that works, the option of getting mad is still there but don't damage rapport using it first.

Safe hunting
Well, most likely all of this will work out. Sympathies to all involved....... Rough way to start.

After 7 trips "over there" I've easily forgotten how apprehensive I was the first time. I did quite a bit of checking references to find out if we'd be shooting animals out of a crate or actually hunting..... trying to find the right sort of personality fit with the PH, worrying about wiring money, worrying about the travel. Would we have a legit shot at a good experience......? You never REALLY know until boots hit the ground.

Now, a few safaris later, all of that is routine, and it's pretty easy to predict what the hunt will be like. A little money hiccup is easy to discuss with someone you've spent several weeks with. Not so easy with someone you've never met.

It is interesting. A good communicator who is average at the rest of it will have more business and happier clients than a poor communicator with excellent skills in all other areas. This happens all over the place in the business world.
Final update. Spoke with the outfitter this morning. Luckily, my insomnia actually worked in my favor for once and I was awake at 2:44 this morning when they called (they forgot the time difference but it didn't matter). Everything became clear to them when I was able to get through to them that no warning or explanation was given for the price increase and I had to discover it on the funding request. They offered to pull the additional $1,200 which, apparently, was due to increased gov't fees and said they would cover these fees themselves.

I'm not going to say that increasing the final price 6-weeks before the hunt is acceptable, however, as I have stated many times, the additional $1,200 isn't a show stopper for me (it's 7% so for anyone on a $4k hunt, this would be a $280 increase). I only want to be treated fairly and honestly. Honesty and integrity are absolutes in all of my affairs. Mistakes are to be treated with grace, god knows how imperfect I am. Some of you have pointed out a few of my flaws in this thread and you aren't wrong.

After the outfitter realized that I had never received any warning of the price increase, and then realized that when I asked about the increase, I was given a very lame excuse of "Hunt prices have been updated for 2024, we sent you the new pricing brochure last month", they realized just how shady they're communications came through and said they will never let this happen again.

Bottom line, I'm going to Mozambique in September to hunt with them. I wish this whole event had never happened and if y'all want, I'll post stories and photos.

If the hunt goes great, I still won't recommend them.

I guess I would say that I'm tentatively optimistic enough to proceed.

Ontario Hunter:
I totally agree that having a great guy over there would be invaluable. I was hoping for the same.

I agree with you. If you stick with the outfitters recommended on this site, you'll never cross paths with these people.

You're not wrong. This stinks. Was really hoping to make a friend on this hunt, now it's been overshadowed by a slimy business transaction.

Scott CWO:
I know that outfitting is a business, and not an extremely profitable one. I also know that solid contracts are important when it comes to business. I also know that the legal mechanisms for a US citizen to enforce contract law on a South African company doing business in Mozambique are so far beyond my financial abilities that the contracts are, for all intents and purposes, totally unenforceable and meaningless. Just a quick Google search will illustrate what folly trying to recover $5k would be. You would be very lucky to get your $5k back if you spent $100k on lawyers and 10 years doing it.

In my opinion, these outfitters live on their reputations with a small degree of oversight provided by their licensing boards and professional organizations.

Thank you for your insights on this. After hearing their side, I'm making a judgement call to trust them. However, it's only a feeling and I have very limited confidence in my decision.

To everyone else:
Thank you all for the advice. Lots of great opinions and options. Unfortunately, I hitched my wagon up to someone who doesn't completely share our values. If I had been more insistent on getting an outfitter recommended by this forum's members, I could have avoided this entire mess. Lesson learned!

Thanks again everyone!
Glad you reached a satisfactory agreement. We’re all wishing you the best and would love a hunt report.

Is your outfitter also your PH? One thing I’d say is NEVER consider the extra fee paid to the outfitter as part of the “tip” in most cases your PH isn’t also the Outfitter and many times they’re contracted and you’re unfairly punishing them. At the same time, because of this if the outfitter is shady with you, he’s likely shady with his PH’s and they might be sympathetic.

Did you contact any other outfitters? Seems a little odd for the Gov Fees portion of your hunt to have risen in the middle of the year. Curious if you confirmed that. Was it the National Gov, the local council, etc? Where exactly are you hunting in Moz?

I’d reserve judgement on if you’d recommend them until after the hunt. I get having a bad taste in your mouth due to this, but you might find out the local council increased trophy fees and they were passing them on without knowledge their admin staff didn’t communicate it. If everything goes well and exceeds expectations why wouldn’t you recommend them with the caveat “communication might not be the best”.

I’m in agreement with @Scott CWO and @WAB on a bunch of their comments. This is a business, needs to be fair for all sides. If after the talk you see it as fair and that it won’t impact your judgement of them then carry on. Personally the recent signing of your contract (post Safari season starting) and the increase right after is somewhat suspect to me but that’s me and I tend to be overly cautious and critical.
I'm glad they gave you what you requested and understood your point of view. I'd go, look forward to it and have high hopes! Look forward to reading the hunting report. Who knows, you might end up giving them great recommendations?! I wish you a ton of success and good memories when you go.
I believe the outfitter/owner is also the PH for these buffalo hunts. However, I'm learning not to trust myself. Who knows, maybe this is all just an elaborate ploy to get some fat white guy from the US to pay his own way into cobalt mining slavery! Maybe someone needs a stunt double for an Afro-American snuff film!

The mystery is all the fun! Hahah!

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