"Habitat Fragmentation" as a major threat to biodiversity.
Exactly. My post, #22 above, refers.
"Habitat Fragmentation" as a major threat to biodiversity.
Phoenix Phil I read the article you sent a link to and am now intrigued to know more. What can you tell me about this story? I should point out that The Mail is not a newspaper that we take very seriously here in the UK. p.s. I hope your son's music program went well!
Best wishes
.... My research interest is in hunting and wildlife conservation.
Have you actually actively "birded"? Watched, photographed, etc. Stopped by the roadside and attempted to get a closer look at some bird/animal? Sat at a feeder/bird bath?
Kaibab deer - Part 1
Snow Geese
Environment Canada - Publications - Greater Snow Geese: Towards sustainable management of the population, 2006
Plenty of research to be found in this area in several RSA Universities.
Which Department are you studying within? (PM me if you'd prefer)
What is the research question are you asking?
When you design your research tool please do send me a copy to complete.
Good luck.
Meera- a case study you could look at is what happens to wildlife when a country closes hunting. There are people here a lot more familiar with Kenya than I am, but Kenya closed hunting in 1977. The game outside of the touristy national parks therefore had/has no value. My understanding is that outside the national parks Kenya's wildlife has simply been devastated.
Botswana is in the process of closing hunting-The consensus in the hunting community is that game outside the parks there will have no value and will disappear over time.
If you are on a research type-track with long time horizons-maybe you could focus on the Botswana situation over time. Maybe document the game situation in the hunting concessions when hunting is closed and going back a few years and document its disappearance over time.
Could I possibly suggest .......hunting... (Constructive pastime...)
Spike could you second that?
My best always
One thing that I found disturbing is Dr. Cochrane's focus on animal rights. As others have said here-your advisors may structure your research and findings into a specific direction. If you really plan to give hunters a fair shake-you may have to fight him for that.
Brickburn Yes I have taken part in birdwatching since I was very young; I've been to bird-hides and also simply sat and watched them through the kitchen window - I have a bird feeder and bath set up so I can watch without disturbing them.